Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) [2020]

"When I talked to some state officials, there was a sense that the tests would not be administered to people that were mildly symptomatic," Mr Pence said. "We're issuing clear guidance that, subject to doctors' orders, any American can be tested," Mr Pence said.

But some question how this promise will be kept, as public health laboratories insist their capacity for processing the tests is restricted.

There is also a question of cost, amid reports of uninsured Americans paying upwards of $1,000 (£780) for a test.
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Yes it will be interesting to see how various political systems deal with it

free - nz, scandinavia,

somewhat free - usa, southern europe

not free - china, iran

related to the above

Shocking why would an administration that stops nasa looking into climate change, or gun deaths etc not want to be open and transparent /s (though gun deaths I think is both sides of the aisle)

Though I fear will will never get the true numbers from iran, china. I'm more hopeful for the USA though
Well our Italian number are "true" in the sense that now they are testing only people with simptoms (at the beginning they were testing also symptoms-free people). It seems French numbers are not and even German one are not so true.

Coronavirus: Italy to close all schools as deaths rise

Is 10 days long enough? And will parents be going to work or staying home?
No. It will sure prolonged... but this is a very hard measure because parents have troubles with children's having to work. The point is children are mostly healthy while contagious and stay a lot in contact.

It's not. We already have confirmed case where incubation period was 27 days.
All this to slow down the spreading of the infection: not to stop it... stopping the infection worldwide is now impossible... too many errors.

It seems the pandemic condition will not be declared till march 15 (not before) because there is a BOND released that otherwise would bankrupt someone....
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All this to slow down the spreading of the infection: not to stop it... stopping the infection worldwide is now impossible... too many errors.
I'm not sure they ever really believed they could fully contain it, but delaying the peak so it isn't during flu season is considered beneficial.

Also, you can quote multiple posts in one reply. Use the "+Quote" button next to the posts you want to quote.
What it's REALLY like to catch coronavirus: First British victim, 25, describes how 'worst disease he ever had' left him sweating, shivering, and struggling to breathe as his eyes burned and bones ached

mod: removed link for the health of forum users
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Daily Mail...

Eidt: In fact as a Mod, I feel the need to remove the link. The Daily Mail isn't a newspaper but a shit rag, peddling fear for money. If anyone really wants to read one person's negative reaction to COVID19, go visit the Daily Mail website. Then go read a story about someone's allergic reaction to peanuts and call that, "what it's REALLY like to eat a peanut."

Honestly, "shivering, sweating, aching bones" - that's just a jolly good flu bout. I imagine the vast majority of people past university age have at least one of those experiences.
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They're only 25, they dont have enough real life experience to matter...
I agree the meeting is likely to be in USA. But we can look at the cancellation of MWC. MWC in Spain (on Feb 24) was cancelled on Feb.13 , because of the coronavirus.
That's 9 days after Coronavirus spreading was clearly a problem. You're suggesting here Sony cancelled PS Meeting 21+ days in advance, before sending out invites, and with Coronavirus not posing as a pandemic. That make no sense to me.
A user in resetEra said Kleegamefan sent pm to him about PS Meeting in late February.

I agree the meeting is likely to be in USA. But we can look at the cancellation of MWC. MWC in Spain (on Feb 24) was cancelled on Feb.13 , because of the coronavirus. It's obvious that a lot of companies already changed their promotion in the first half of February.

Several possible reasons why Sony delayed the PS meeting: 1. Problems in supply chain may affect PS5 launch. 2. Sony wants to avoid the risk of
possible coronavirus infection during their PS meeting (same reason as MWC cancellation). 3. Currently, every promotion has little effect in Japan and Asian markets because people only care how to avoid coronavirus.

Sony was the first or one of the first to withdrawal from every event(MWC, PAX East, GDC...). For MWC, they withdrawal the 10th of February before cancellation of the event. From what the guy told it seems the presentation was supposed to be the 26 of February. It means they decide to cancel before 5 February if it the case.

This is the timeline of the coronavirus outbreak. There was already a sign of the disease spreading:–20_coronavirus_outbreak_in_February_2020#5_February


LG withdraw from MWC the 4th february
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They're only 25, they dont have enough real life experience to matter...
Steve Wozniak said it was the worst he's ever felt.

He's a touch past 25.

As someone who has spent months in hospital with a respiratory illness, I think I may have some idea. Not an experience I would wish on anyone.
Steve Wozniak said it was the worst he's ever felt.

He's a touch past 25.

As someone who has spent months in hospital with a respiratory illness, I think I may have some idea. Not an experience I would wish on anyone.
shoot he really thinks he is patient zero?

damn.. poor guy.

One thing to experience it; now the half guilt of spreading it around to loved ones.
Steve Wozniak said it was the worst he's ever felt... Not an experience I would wish on anyone.
Not at all, but it's the weirdest disease in terms of range of effects. From death to nothing, with anything in between. I wonder how many similar diseases they've been throughout humanity's evolution, shaping the species' immune system into what it is? Half of people are effectively immune, with genetic diversity leaving others at various states of vulnerability.
Not at all, but it's the weirdest disease in terms of range of effects. From death to nothing, with anything in between. I wonder how many similar diseases they've been throughout humanity's evolution, shaping the species' immune system into what it is? Half of people are effectively immune, with genetic diversity leaving others at various states of vulnerability.

I wouldn't use the term immune, but like the flu many people will effectively avoid or resist serious symptoms. And I would caution against the notion that this is only killing older or sickly people, they are always more vulnerable, but plenty of younger healthy people who had medical attention have died.
I wouldn't use the term immune, but like the flu many people will effectively avoid or resist serious symptoms. And I would caution against the notion that this is only killing older or sickly people, they are always more vulnerable, but plenty of younger healthy people who had medical attention have died.
I'd say having no symptoms is immunity. You can't stop the virus getting in - there's no biological mechanism for that - but if your body and stop it developing into a disease, your body is immune to the disease.

As for your caution, yes, anyone can have a bad reaction, but the balance of communication has to make the distinction, which it generally isn't at the moment. If young, healthy people are feared massively at risk, panic will become all the more dangerous. From the beginning, the narrative hasn't talked about demographics of the dead, leading lots of people to worry unnecessarily. When more detail is added, the concerns (and responses) can be better balanced.

The scare-mongering media will associate the worst numbers in an imbalanced way to drum up fear and peddle sales. Let's say a six year old dies in China...
"Six year old is latest victim as Wuhan death toll soars past 2000"

Every mum and dad in the world is panicking. But with real data, she being an outlier, there's no untoward parental fear, only parental caution.

On the up side. Wuhan's death rate is dropping. Shows if the thing is contained properly, people can be saved. The rest of the world seems to have fumbled that.

Exactly. The only way to stop it now is for everyone to hole themselves up for a month so it can't spread at all and runs its course in everyone infected. That's not realistic, so instead people should probably carry on. The economic impact of no-one going anywhere is going to be more devastating than the loss of 20% of the over 80s.

Not that I'm advocating let the old people die, but people need to approach this realistically and not self-destructively. Most people can carry on about their business with no negative effects, meaning no need to stop the economic wheels from turning, yet we're going to experience massive economic impacts for so many people. Reliance on the movement of money to maintain social structure is just too fragile.

In Italy epidemy is out of control IMHO. It seems luckily our strain is less damaging than the chinese one...

So far mortality rate over 3% in Italy actually seems worse, and that’s even taking into account that China probably didn’t have enough capacity initially to treat all patients properly.

And that’s also what complicates things for Shifty’s reasoning above. If say 15% develop a life threading pneumonia of the lower lungs, sure, we can rescue most of them when we have sufficient capacity to treat them. But if we let this thing run it’s course without slowing it down as much as possible, that’s going to mean a lot of casualties across all ages.

For this reason, you are not going to see many countries just let this thing run its course.

Other things I noted from following this thing closely from when the first reports came from china:

- there are cold viruses also of the corona family. This may explain why children and adults with young children tent to respond more mildly as schools are very effective in transmitting these to kids and their parents.

- even if you make it through one of these lower lung pneumonia’s which are much worse than the more common upper lung pneumonia’s, every pneumonia leaves scar tissue and reduces your lung efficiency some, and these pneumonia’s can be pretty bad here as well..

- after reading about their (lack of!) a proper immune system, it turns out bats are pretty scary little creatures after all, fully justifying all horror stories about them, and eating or even keeping them or feeding them to other animals should be made a global capitally punishable offense.

- I was down with a bad flu this week and now I’m sort of hoping it was covid-19 because otherwise I may have to go through all that again soon