Condemned is a great launch title, PDZ is ok SP, but MP is where it's at; Kameo is nice to look at; COD2 is ok SP, feels just like COD1, MP is hilarious but it's a bit of a pain and lag is unhearable sometimes.
But Condemned SP is really good. The graphics imo is a polished FEAR and I love the focus on melee. The thing I love is how the flashlight has unlimited power (pretty much it should always be, I mean, why does it have to F***ing recharge!) However some parts of the game feel cliche from the FEAR SP but not too much. I think I read somewhere the game takes place in the same universe but that might just be my impression.
I think Condemned is coming to PC next year but I enjoyed it on the 360! Cool it's a Demo now. There's not too many demos on the 360, things might get interesting if they release prerelease demos down the line.