Compression ratios


Is there a mathemtaical equation that will let you know how much hp you gain ffrom raising the compression ratio? For example lets say I have a 2.2l that has a 10:1 ratio which makes 200hp @7250rpms. What would it be if you raised it to 11:1 or 12:1? Also can you figure out the gain in torque too?
Raising the compression ratio affects all sorts of things. It'd up the power, the efficiency, the max rpm, and torque. Hang on I'll just flick through my notes:

OK, Spark ignition, four stroke. Temperature in the chamber at tdc is T2/T1 = rv^(gamma - 1)

T2 is the temp at the start of the burn, T1 is the temp at the start of compression, rv is the compression ratio, gamma is the ratio of specific heat capacities (for a fuel air mix, take it to be around 1.35. In theory air is 1.4).

Work done. Well you can't find maximum work done that easily as it depends on the efficiency and fuel input. The formula above can get you to cylinder head pressure, or rather, a parameter known as IMEP (current enginesa have an IMEP around 700-900 kN/m^2), or indicated mean effective pressure. Indicated power = IMEP * piston area * stoke length * firing rate. Work it out from that, if you like, making sure you use all standard units.

There, then you should be all set! Just plug in a firing rate (in number of times the cylinder fires/second), and you're all done. But, as I said, the maximum rpm will go up with increased compression ratio. Be careful you don't blow yourself up.

But in reality, I doubt you'll get rv above say 10.5 because the engine will start to knock as the burning of fuel starts to create a shock wave around then, which kills efficiency, as fuel heats up a lot before it is burnt, and also raises emissions something rotten.

If you're trying to raise efficiency, then you're going about it the right way. But an easier way to modify an engine for more power is to DECREASE rv, but increase capacity. Bore the bastard out a bit, get more fuel/air in there, and you'll be laughing. Also you might want to add an intercooler if you're up to it.

If there is any part of that which doesn't make sense, reply and I'll check it again in the morning. I'm afraid I'm a little pissed tonight.