Comcast 50M service

See what the secret Comcast limits are on it. Thing is, how much of that could you use? How many sources can supply that kind of bandwidth that would saturate your 50 mbit bandwidth? Plus you're likely to need new modems/routers.
ive only got 8mb (theoretically) its actually about 5mb i havnt found a web site yet that lets me download at more than about 300k/sec
edit 375k/sec is the fastest ive had according to opera
my latest download from 3dgamers was 152k/sec
but broadband speed test says i can download at 4.36mb/sec

see its the upload speed of web sites thats the limiting factor
Dunno what you're trying to download or what the infrastructure in your area is like, but my conn maxes out at approximately 2MB/s download (example: driver download from and that's just "regular" comcast cable internet w/powerboost. Local (less than 300 miles) mp games ping in the 30's or less always.
It's probably just the servers you are connecting to.

Have you tried using download managers that connect mulitlple times to a server? They are not always usable because of bandwidth limitations placed on the servers not allowing multiple connections.

My application of choice is called "down them all" which is a benign FireFox plugin. Again, doesn't always work but if you set it to connect 5 to 10 times and the server you are connected to allows it, you will max your speed out.

I have 20/4 FIOS and I regularly hit my cap of 2.6 to 2.8 MB/s (note that's MB, NOT Mb). Hitting almost 3 megabytes per second is pretty quick. Wasn't long ago that hard drives weren't able to sustain that kind of transfer rate.

Anyway, just a thought.

edit: Had my FIOS service level listed wrong.
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edit 375k/sec is the fastest ive had according to opera
my latest download from 3dgamers was 152k/sec
but broadband speed test says i can download at 4.36mb/sec

see its the upload speed of web sites thats the limiting factor

Have you tried downloading from Here is a link to a speed run that hosts the speed run itself on I've gotten 870 KBs from them many, many times.