digitalwanderer said:
Hey, there ain't nothing wrong with looking! It's just acting on them nasty thoughts that a few good looks will cause in your head that is to be avoided.
Looking is only human.
I couldn't agree more.
Heh, reminds of a situation. About ten years ago the wife and I are driving down this country road, and she sees this really muscular guy cutting his yard with his shirt off. So naturally she cranks her head to continue checking him out as we drive by. I ask, "Get a good look?". And she says, "Oh, I was looking at the model of the mower he was using." "I'm supposed to buy that? Give me a break. . .even I was checking his pecs out, so I know you were." "No I wasn't, I was looking at the mower."
She stuck to that version of the story for almost an entire decade before finally relenting. Why? Probably because she knows I hate double-standards and was fired up to give her a blast of shit for always berating me when I look at an attractive woman and then turning around and blatantly checking some guy out herself.