clip of AfterBurner in 3D (Sega 3D Ages on PS2)

Virtua Racing was at least as impressive in 1992 as HardDriving was when that came out in the late 80s.

We should have had a 100% faithful port in 1994 or 1995 with the Saturn, had the Saturn been based on souped-up Model 1 tech, or scaled down Model 2 tech.
Bought 2 SEGA 3D Ages games, Space Harrier and Golden Axe, will definitely buy Virtua Racing later on. Some screenies.





More images at the link below
well, call me spoiled.. but i think it's a disgrace. if i were a PS2 i would refuse to play those games... i would give u all a big fat "Disc Read Error"... :D
london-boy said:
well, call me spoiled.. but i think it's a disgrace. if i were a PS2 i would refuse to play those games... i would give u all a big fat "Disc Read Error"... :D

Then, you will probably refuse to play this one


It is a PS2 version of Space Invaders, the 25th anniversary.
oh lord.........!!!!!!!




just kidding, i'm sure there are many nostalgic saddos who would use their polygon crunching machine to play that thing...

i do recognise the importance of the game in terms of video games history, but what the hell this is too much...
if anyone knows of any modern flat-shaded games/demos, with perhaps some lighting thrown in i'd like to hear of them
Thre is a lot of PC demoscene demos that render something that looks like flat shaded polys with impressive lighting. I believe the demo mentioned before is "FR-025 - the Popular Demo" (not modern demo) by Farbrausch. Those guys have made a lot of really great looking productions of that kind. Look at their site:

Definitely download FR008, FR025, FR-019, FR-030 and FR-03

There is also that very impressive looking demo for PS2 called "Aura for Laura". You can download medium-quality DIVx here:

and an executable here:

If you happen to like this kind of stuff, you can find hundreds of other great looking productions, from many groups, on this site:
thx for the links,tho' i do have nearly all the farb-rausch prods and often check out pouet, orangeJuice &

i did also notice that some Japanese shmups, and occasionally other genres, sometimes have odd gfx implementation - one or two have limited texturing and some have no filtering, yet still include other features like particle effects[?]
london-boy said:
oh lord.........!!!!!!!




just kidding, i'm sure there are many nostalgic saddos who would use their polygon crunching machine to play that thing...

i do recognise the importance of the game in terms of video games history, but what the hell this is too much...
You know many of these games are classics and with the older hardware starting to die from old age this is the only way to truely save those classics. Its like in 10 years when they start remakeing Your fav ps2 , xbox and gamecube games . Its a very good thing they are doing this .
jvd said:
london-boy said:
oh lord.........!!!!!!!




just kidding, i'm sure there are many nostalgic saddos who would use their polygon crunching machine to play that thing...

i do recognise the importance of the game in terms of video games history, but what the hell this is too much...
You know many of these games are classics and with the older hardware starting to die from old age this is the only way to truely save those classics. Its like in 10 years when they start remakeing Your fav ps2 , xbox and gamecube games . Its a very good thing they are doing this .

yeah.. i mean, deep inside i know it's a good thing, it just feels weird to use hardware capable of running nearly-photorealistic games for THAT...
Those games look terrible. :?
Either keep the graphics style the same or do a complete revamp and not some half way house.
yeah well, the thing is, Golden axe used to be my favorite game. Virtua racing used to be my favorite game... Daytona then became my fav game...

see the pattern?

that was 10 years ago. the market, the technology, the innovations have progressed so far since then, and better games have been made. so much better that it would hurt my heart to play old-school golden axe now. it would ruin the memory i have of it, since now it would look/sound/play like total crap.
i want to remember it as "that game i had so much fun with".
now i can enjoy unarguably better games which have all been influnced by those old games.
that doesnt mean that i have to play the old ones. it would spoil it for me...
see my point? or am i mumbling again?
london-boy said:
now it would look/sound/play like total crap
IMHO it's true for some games, but not all ... true classics will always be fun. Example: a multi-player BubbleBobble session is as much fun to me as a F-Zero GX multi-player session. Good gameplay is timeless, some other stuff not
That Space Harrier, look amateurish, look like poo actually, samething with Golden Axe.

WTH is up with Sega ?

They should just released a System 16 and 32 collection, with all the nostalgic graphics intact, instead of releasing this cheap 2 thousand-en-ish game.

I don't see VF2 getting the treatment, but that's the only game worth the development time. That and maybe Night. Instead they're doing Last Bronk ?, WTH are they thinking, that game bomb in arcade for a reason, it sux.
V3 said:
That Space Harrier, look amateurish, look like poo actually, samething with Golden Axe.

WTH is up with Sega ?

They should just released a System 16 and 32 collection, with all the nostalgic graphics intact, instead of releasing this cheap 2 thousand-en-ish game.

I don't see VF2 getting the treatment, but that's the only game worth the development time. That and maybe Night. Instead they're doing Last Bronk ?, WTH are they thinking, that game bomb in arcade for a reason, it sux.

Whadda you know! Someone with similar thoughts as chappy! :LOL:
Sega is crazy for their half bucketed efforts. Yes those might be el cheapo but cmon now, those games look yucks. Couldnt they at least bring them much closer to the current Ps2 graphics level. Those look like filtered Ps1 games. :?
Many people prefer their nostalgia "intact." They can bump speeds a bit and ensure high, stable frames, but when you start mucking with the look too much, it doesn't "take people back" as well.

Mind you, I'm a bigger fan of "same game, new engine" if you're going to remake something on modern machines. (After all, one can always acquire the games in "other ways" on the PC in their exact original format.) But I can understand why they wouldn't bother pushing hard.