Civilizaton VI


Experiencing A Significant Gravitas Shortfall
Firaxis announced Civ6 a little while ago and a few days ago there emerged the first gameplay video.

Opposed to the launch of Civ5 which was very bare-bones feature-wise and also quite buggy and weird AI behaviour, Firaxis has said most of the features which came in expansions to Civ5 would reappear in Civ6 vanilla (religion is one example).

Also new is tying science, culture and other aspects of the game more to the map. That is, the Pyramids world wonder can't be constructed unless you have a desert tile near your city and you get boosts to discovering the Writing technology from meeting another civilization. Cities are un-stacked which means you have to create districts on tiles near your city to be able to construct certain buildings.

There's heaps more, check out quill18's 2-part youtube with the gameplay here:

Just a little by-the-by, for me the hype is real :D
Endless Legend is a civ-like game that features multi-tile cities. It's a good system and enjoyable, but there's not much choice in what you 'bolt on'. Hopefully civ gives us plenty of options there.

Some are disappointed with the cartoon style but it's the best at relaying information clearly. Quite important at 3am when you've been 'just one more turning' for 50 turns. Personally I'll take clarity over authenticity for a game like this. Going back to Endless Legend for a sec, graphically it's way too busy and the experience suffers for it, though still a good game.
I agree, for instance Civilization Beyond Earth is way too detailed and it makes it hard to distinguish between different nodes.

I think it looks great in the video even with many of the buttons being placeholders. The screenshots released at announcement didn't do the look justice as they were too zoomed in.

What I am really interested in is the way civics and stuff will work with different types of government having different amount of "card slots" where you can put in your civics and that you have goals to reach for to develop civics (get a city to 6 population to unlock xx) instead of having to get to 40 culture and then spend it on a social policy in a tree.
I'm trying to hold off on buying (actually pre-ordering) it as I'm hoping not to lose entire weeks of my life as in the past. But I have a feeling that as release gets closer and closer, it'll get harder and harder until my will breaks and I just end up getting it. :p

If they brought back the Palace/Castle building from Civilization 2 (or was it Civ 1?) I wouldn't be able to resist. I used to love that part of it and building my palace/castle from mismatched parts. I was so sad when they took that out of the game.
