Children of Morta (Windows, Linux, Mac, Xbox One, PS4, Switch)


This is a fantastic roguelite game. Playing through in co-op and it's a lot of fun. I'd say the hard setting is still pretty easy, but I do die on runs. Feels just about right. It didn't launch with online co-op. I think co-op may only be available in Windows (steam). The way the story unfolds, and the way all of the mechanics unlock are very well designed.

I enjoyed playing this coop with Mrs Cheapchips for a while. At some point we hit a point where we just felt underpowered and the grind became annoying. Which was a shame, as plenty about the game is charming. The 'family mansion' hub is a great idea.
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Just finished it. I like the art, and the atmosphere and the way the story unfolded. They did a good job of developing the family despite having pretty limited time for story. Really well designed minimalist game and storytelling. My friend and I ripped through it in co-op on hard. The new game plus feels a lot better. Kind of wish there was a harder difficulty available from the start. Moving onto something else.