Child of Light (UbiArt Engine)

The IQ is pristine n the ps4 and jagged on the ps3. If Vita also has proper clean toonlines, then itsgreat as the game really wants u to take it everywhere. Otherwise, I love that is absolutely clean on the ps4, just that I am hardly home these days so am not getting any time with it :(
I completely lost interest in the game after a couple hours. Mechanically it just never evolves. Every character has access to every ability right from the get go, and all the needlessly cluttered upgrade system provides is marginal stat improvements. I'm not seeking out fights in CoL because I'm excited for the next character upgrade like in any good rpg (FFX's addictive Sphere Grid springs to mind). I seek out the fights just so I can keep pace with the boss battles.
Then there's the story and the characters. It's mostly all dull as dishwater already, yet whenever something threatens to become moderately interesting or clever, it gets immediately undone by the fucking writing.
It's a really pretty game, but that is as much as I'll give it.
I completely lost interest in the game after a couple hours. Mechanically it just never evolves. Every character has access to every ability right from the get go, and all the needlessly cluttered upgrade system provides is marginal stat improvements. I'm not seeking out fights in CoL because I'm excited for the next character upgrade like in any good rpg (FFX's addictive Sphere Grid springs to mind). I seek out the fights just so I can keep pace with the boss battles.
Then there's the story and the characters. It's mostly all dull as dishwater already, yet whenever something threatens to become moderately interesting or clever, it gets immediately undone by the fucking writing.
It's a really pretty game, but that is as much as I'll give it.

Seems to be on par with the criticism from Eurogamer then. Pity. Do you at least get different guest characters? Those all had pretty different abilities so far (I've only encountered two so far though, but haven't played more than one or two hours yet).
That is correct. Your party is indeed always expanding, and this does open up new combat possibilities. This happens at predetermined intervals, though. It's not something you have to work for. This makes it very hard for me to develop any form of attachment to the characters. They all basically remain the same from beginning to end (the occasional AoE variation of single target attacks notwithstanding), never really say anything particularly noteworthy, and I have zero agency over their development.
The novely of slowing down enemies with your little wisp buddy wears off pretty quickly as well; it really messes with the pace of combat.
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I completely lost interest in the game after a couple hours. Mechanically it just never evolves. Every character has access to every ability right from the get go, and all the needlessly cluttered upgrade system provides is marginal stat improvements. I'm not seeking out fights in CoL because I'm excited for the next character upgrade like in any good rpg (FFX's addictive Sphere Grid springs to mind). I seek out the fights just so I can keep pace with the boss battles.
Then there's the story and the characters. It's mostly all dull as dishwater already, yet whenever something threatens to become moderately interesting or clever, it gets immediately undone by the fucking writing.
It's a really pretty game, but that is as much as I'll give it.

The same happens to me as well. Played for a couple of hours, loved it...but, the gameplay just doesn't seem to evolve and I lost interest...maybe they should have made the game a bit shorter, with a denser story and more boss fights at an overall lower price.
From the IGN (US) podcasts I've ascertained this is not a good port so don't get your hopes up.

Neogaf seems very happy though, full experience and looking good. Gripes seem to be that inverting controls also inverts gyro aim, there are some crashes and the music is meh. But there are people who prefer it on Vita over the consoles.
Marvelously beautiful game... the artwork is seriously unparalleled. With some game play changes in the future I can see this franchise really taking off starting with game two.
I like the art and the atmosphere of the game. After the first chapter, the exploration and travel through the environments is fun to me.

Most of the other mechanics are a bit RPG-lite, and I was able to get by even on hard without having in-depth knowledge of the mechanics, should there be any for the crafting and leveling.

The plot was simple enough, which I didn't mind. The actual writing I had to skip through or ignore at various times. The rhyme gimmick got old, then it became very forced.

Less forgivable to me is that the game has a nasty habit of crashing during extended play sessions, and doing so at the area transitions when the game is auto-saving.
The lame one-save design misfeature and a lack of extra measures to ensure the integrity of said file has meant that I've lost significant progress a number of times.

I've actually beaten the game, but you wouldn't know it from the backup I was forced to restore from for the second or third time. Using my console's various means for backing up the file requires remembering to quit at annoying intervals, and I'm seeing a trend where the auto-upload function is erroring out claiming my own save file is being saved to by a different console.
I've been told by someone else I know that they saw this for a different Ubisoft game, Watch Dogs, although there may have been a remedy for that.
Using my console's various means for backing up the file requires remembering to quit at annoying intervals, and I'm seeing a trend where the auto-upload function is erroring out claiming my own save file is being saved to by a different console.

That is a known annoyance which affects all games as far as I can tell and has affected the PS4 since launch.

Perhaps it has, but the game exhausted my patience prior to that, and the lack of effective auto-uploads was something manually worked around.