Chap, how old are you??

This is silly but i´m getting so tired of all your xbox "is the best" threads that it´s going to my nervs..

I own all "next gen consoles'1 but do you??

Ok you Know Fafalda does that make you "cool" or someting??
In your next post say how old you are, the if it make sense i can still stand with your comments...
Before you ask him these questions you should really check your grammar and English. If he is a younger kid he might have trouble undersatanding what you're trying to say.
overclocked native tongue is not English though, so forgive him for his poor English.
Personally I don't have too much of a problem with most of chap's threads for example the Deus Ex 2 thread he just posted. That was good info ;)
I don´t want to see more "xbox is the best threads"
Yes i spell like an idiot for most times, and worse when i get angry over something. ;)
come on, little monkey provides some good old stupid fun.... if he makes u so upset just dont read what he writes...
he can be SLIGHTLY irritant at times (read: ALWAYS) but what the hell u dont expect a truly SAFE place on the internet do u? safe from little kids (monkeys in this case)... :LOL: