Jaws said:
Panajev2001a said:
Also note that by taking these unit areas from the PSX core, were also inheriting the areas of datapaths etc. which would scale with our calculations.
The problem they are seeing right now is that routing logics, wires do not scale as fast as you would want them to and they are anyways a big limit to clock-speed scaling in future chips.
If Cell is a VLIW processor, then we'd see most of the scheduling/control logic removed from the hardware and into software, a clever compiler, no?
PUs will not be VLIW processors, likely the APUs will: we do not exepct branch prediction even for them judging all the patents we have seen.
I want to see internal busses and APUs running fast ( 4 GHz PE vs 1 GHz x4 PEs) since I do not expect the APUs to be MT (Multi-Threaded, no evidence in the patents we have seen so far), I want to reduce context switching time to the minimum.
The PU will have to juggle a tons of threads to keep the system running efficiently and a good thread scheduler will need a nice and fast PU to do its job.
Still, even though you remove a nice chunk of scheduling and contorl logic, you need to worry about wires and the wall that they are putting on CPU scaling.
CELL is going the right way: highly-parallel multi-core solution (tons of little cores).
I will even grant you that yelds on such a 300 mm^2 beast would not be so bad: the degree of redundancy you have helps you.
You have lots of repearting blocks: SRAM cells, DRAM cells, APUs, PUs, DMACs.
Once each block has been simulated (in your simulator, tested on an FPGA or using a custom ASIC), tested, debugged, fixed, etc... replicating it will not be an impossible undertaking.
Plus, and this you forgot, you can add few more blocks just to increase yelds: if you put 9 APUs per PE it will be much more probable to have working PEs with 8 fully functional APUs.
Aside from only rumored, but not confirmed in any way, manufacturing process hiccups (and othe reconomical concerns: even with what we have said so far 1 PE is still cheaper than 4 PEs at the same frequency), the main concern is the heat such a beast would produce.