CD-Rom & DVD-Rom Questions.. Look !


hi all,

Ok maybe my questions are dumb but i need to know about the speed !

16X DVD-Rom = 16X CD-Rom ? Or not the same thing at all

CD-RW+DVD combo ... the CD-RW is able to run at it's own speed or is slowed down by the DVD ?

Thx for the answer

I'm pulling this from my rather dusy memory, so I may be off by a bit in the exact numbers...

1x CD-Rom = 150 KB/s
1x DVD-Rom ~= 9x CD-Rom ~= 1350 KB/s

1024 KB/s = 1MB/s

DVD Speeds:
8x-speed 11.08MB/s
4x-speed 5.54MB/s
2x-speed 2.77MB/s
1x-speed 1.385MB/s

CD Speeds:
24x-speed 4.8MB/s
16x-speed 2.4MB/s
12x-speed 1.8MB/s
8x-speed 1.2MB/s
4x-speed 0.6MB/s
rainz said:
Woah Thx ! exactly the kind of answer i like ! So a 16X DVD-Rom it's "decent".

16X is the fastest you will see and is overkill for pretty much anything. According to the DVD specs a dual layer disc can't be read faster than 8X and I believe a single layer disc can't be read faster than 12X. Of course these standards can be easily ignored and are by some drives but on top of that you need to keep in mind that read speed decreases with an encrypted disc. I think on my 16X Pioneer the closest I ever hit was 15X and that was with a single layer, unencrypted DVD. Typically I average around 7X for dual layer DVDs on both my 16X Pioneer and 12X NEC. As long as your drive is 8X or faster you will be fine.