Castle Crashers -- ANYTHING new?

The hype wagon was rolling strongly for this title until the people behind it suddeny announced they were delaying it to make it bigger for not some weeks or even monthhs - but a YEAR.

This seems to have just about killed off all talk about their game in one fell swoop. htey could scarcely have succeeded better had they been actively trying to become invisible and ignored.

Personally I feel it's a big mistake. The premise of Castle Crashhers simply doesn't seem to be able to contain enough interest to carry such a lengthy extra development. The costs incurred will certainluy not turn into even bigger profits I feel.

CC seemed to me to be able to extract that old-school gaming that people of my generatiion perhaps particulary enjoy and cherish, and while nice and nostalgic it wears off.

That's why people aren't still madly playing geometry wars evolved after over a year and a half after it was released onto XBL. It's FUN, but after a while you tire of it.

Adn I feel Castle Crashers the way it was before the delay would have been fun for a while ansd then you'd tire of it, but after they add lots and lots more to it with the new larger max limit size of XBL titles it won't suddenly become lots more fun.

There'll just be more of it which you might never actually bother to play through, especially if the difficutly ramps anything like the arcade games of old it's inspired by.

Abnd that would be nothing but a big waste. Especially since bigger game = longer dev time = quite possibly a higher price tag = less interest in buying the game.

Geometry wars was so successful not just because of its instantly hooking simple and oldskool gameplay but also because it was so damn CHEAP.

But nobody wants to buy simple oldskoool gameplay for a horse armor price. That's just horse pucky.

So personally they should have released when they planned to release way back when. And not charged too much. And then concentrated on making an expansion to cover all the extra stuff they're now putting in.

That'd given them two shots at earning money instead of one. And it would have kept the momentum for their game going in a smoother manner as well.

Of course..they just might sell CC real cheap anyway. Who knows. :p

If anyone's in Melbourne you can head down to ACMI and have a play of this game. It's highly enjoyable.

A few others down there too which are of interest - including Everyday Shooter.

Well, they haven't shown so much for quite some time now so no wonder the hype has been going down and I think that is a good strategy. Start showing stuff again when you are getting closer to release to generate interest again because showing your game all the time and not having any firm relase or the release being way way of then the interest for the game will trully dissappear...
I'm dissapointed that any of you here would be interested in such a racist game.
Oh gofd(s).. Yes I read about that.

What a delusional person. Considering they're dressed mmore like crusaders or templar knights rather than KKKers perhaps shouldn't the entire muslim world explode too over tthis game? Sheesh, religion sure brings the kooks out of the woodwork.. ;)

Oh gofd(s).. Yes I read about that.

What a delusional person. Considering they're dressed mmore like crusaders or templar knights rather than KKKers perhaps shouldn't the entire muslim world explode too over tthis game? Sheesh, religion sure brings the kooks out of the woodwork.. ;)



I heard the actual phone call which claimed the game was racist and to be honest it sounds more like a prank call than a real disgruntled citizen..

Still it's a pretty rediculous claim though..