You'll have to be a bit more specific with definition of "dynamic global shadows". All the games mentioned in this thread "cheat" in some way or another (by using non-shadow casting lightsources, light/shadowmaps etc. where applicable).
It's already conventional wisdom that
every 3D videogame cheats or takes shortcuts one way or another with regards to its technology; that's how development and optimization goes with real time graphics on consoles. Even if you take a look at Killzone 2, there are instances/areas in an environment where a shadow may not be cast on a character model whatsoever.
What I mean by "dynamic global shadows" as it relates to the classification of a game's graphics engine, is that
most of the visible game world at any given moment as seen through the player's viewpoint, has
predominately shadows that are being cast dynamically on both characters and environmental structures, rather than using pre-baked lightmaps for the environment. Now, sometimes games may not stick to this model of shadowing with 100% consistency in every room; some may have 10% lightmapped environments and 90% dynamically shadowed environments; or the other way around. Sometimes, certain lights and certain objects will not produce shadows. In those situations, then we'll individually classify each game areas specifically, by themselves, rather than the entire game as a whole, and give caveats about how strictly a game adheres to its global shadowing model. Usually, games will stick to one lighting and shadow model for the vast majority of its levels, so it shouldn't be that difficult a thing to say, "Doom 3 uses shadow volumes for both characters and the environment." Maybe you'd prefer if there was an asterisk next to that description, such as, "But because of performance concerns, some objects and lights might not produce shadows."
But I disgress, as far as Wii is concerned, it meets the specs you need to render volumes well - high fillrate(relative to target resolution), and enough vertex processing.
It's the other half (running the dotproduct heavy shaders) that I have doubts about transitioning well.
As I said before, it might go beyond simply specs in this situation. The Xbox had several games using global dynamic shadow volumes (shadows that cast on both environmental structures and characters) as one of their main graphical "hooks" and primary form of shadowing (regardless of optimizations or "cheats" where the universal shadowing method might not apply to every object or area). The Gamecube, and so far the Wii, has had zero games in total. If the architecture is capable of doing it, then why haven't we seen it in a single in-game application? This indicates to me that one platform's architecture might inherently be more adept at rendering these kinds of shadows.