Cake wrapped in Bacon inside your Pie

Force him to give me a cake, Mr. Moderator (you've got the power, rite?), and I'll share some with you. It's not a bribe, it's a common sense. Deal? ;)
Someone told me there was cake to be had in ths thread??

Assuming that pie* is better than the cake, the next candies would come with a pie?

This (pie) would come with a more flavorful stuffing( like with a "personal touch")?

* I'm not talking here about "Pie suport",but "pie"...
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I feel as though there's some epic NDA-breaking leakage going on in here, and i'm missing it because i can't see the pie and the cake for the bacon:cry:

And bacon only ever asks for ketchup... It's the british penchant for bacon abuse that makes him soil the thing with brown sauce.

I feel as though there's some epic NDA-breaking leakage going on in here, and i'm missing it because i can't see the pie and the cake for the bacon:cry:

I'm not sure there is. The thread mainly seems to consist of people speculating based on the A9600, then some of IMG employees talking about cake, pie and bacon. Down with brown sauce!