Bush visits Baghdad for thanksgiving.

epicstruggle said:
who ever d_s is, he/she is very amusing. :)


If I said something like that half the board would want my ass band. Damn double standard (BIASED) liberals.
The purpose of protest, Russ, isn't simply to "express dissenting opinion". The purpose is to get the damn policy changed. That has never happened by being ignorable to those in power, or by letting them go about their business without interuption. It doesn't help that Bush never lets out just where he's going to be more than a couple of days in advance, and so it's nearly impossible to get a significant conventional demonstration underway in that amount of time. If he announced his visits a month in advance there would be thousands, if not tens of thousands, protesting him just about everywhere he went.
So, you're agreeing with me that the issue isn't about free speech, but about preventing it.

p.s. I think you over estimate 1) your being representative of the will of the people, 2) your effectiveness of wooing fence sitters to your side, 3) the usefulness of protests from fringe groups in changing policy.
The purpose of protest, Russ, isn't simply to "express dissenting opinion". The purpose is to get the damn policy changed. That has never happened by being ignorable to those in power, or by letting them go about their business without interuption.
Agreed. But the purpose of some protesters is not just to protest, but to disrupt. Their form(s) of protest is anarchistic in nature and therefore unacceptable, in my opinion, as a ligitmate "protest"

It just wouldn't be a real Bush visit if there wasn't some slight blunder to cloud the silver lining, would it. The Queen is still recovering from having her lawn trampled but I'm sure the fighting forces in Iraq will be more forgiving of the fact that the turkey featured in the famous shots of Bush feeding the troops was in fact a plastic mockup. :p
It wouldn't be a Bush article if the media didn't find something, no matter how minute, to carp about.
Hmm. So the "Mission Accomplished" flight suit landing on an aircraft carrier didn't work out so well for the bushies, so they're trying again eh? :LOL:

Definitely a nice surprise for the troops, and a good photo op to hopefully bolster the polls. :)