Burned my pc :_(


i was gaming last night and all of sudden my pc goes out.
i think hmmz must be buggy or something i try to turn back on. nothing
then i smell some burning plastic :oops: uuh ohhh shiit :cry:
i dont remember if my monitor also went out?
im to afraid to turn it back on.

what could have fried?

i think its my power supply because it was REALLY hot and if i smell there now :D it still smells like shit :eek:

if my power supply died would it only have killed my power supply or could it also have killed other parts of my pc?

plz help me out a little cause im a little nooby with pc's :oops:

and it sooo sucks because my pc was broken 1,5 months already (slow ass pc company, i dont wanna go to them again because it taaaakes sooooo long and when i got it back they fixxed it half assed it didnt even work...... but I FIXED IT MYSELF lol first time i screwed with the inside off my pc :p , im sure i didnt do anything wrong btw ;) ) and i just fixed it, and 3 days ago i got my x800XTPE :oops: just when i got everything running and got my card ive waited soooooooo long for................. my pc dies again pffff :rolleyes:

my pc:

P4 3,06ghz
Asus p4p800SE
X800XTPE saphire
350W (dunno if it was good quality)

(nothing was overclocked)

(may sound a little weird all but im dutch, tired and pissed off :devilish: )
Sounds to me as though you were probably drawing too much power with the new videocard and under load the power supply just collapsed. Whether or not your other components are okay probably depends on a bit of luck. If you are keen on it order/buy a new power supply (something decent) and build it in yourself. Its not that hard if you just take your time and make sure everything is plugged in right.
yay i just removed my power supply, and it really smells burned lol :p and it has a lot of dust in it to (i smoke to much in my room :D )

im gonna order a new 1, how much power do u think i need?
i think i want to get 1 that has a little to much power so i wont get to little this time ;) but i also dont want to get tototo much power that will only make my money hurt if u know what i mean.

and good manufactuers? that i should buy or not buy from? :)

i really hope only my power supply died and not something else especially not my x800xt pe :(
Enermax PSUs are supposedly very good but they aren't cheap. I personally use the one that came with my Hyena case and it works fine but it sounds like your rig draws some serious power. I wouldn't go for anything less than 400 watts probably 450 to be safe (and to leave you a little headroom for upgrades). I don't know a hell of a lot about PSUs though, maybe someone else can you give you better pointers on exactly what brand to get.

I hope everything else is fine in your computer, would really suck if your new card died. The thing I'm always worried about are my HDDs though since I'm terrible at backing up my data and I have 2x120Gigs that are close to full of stuff. :(

Anyway, hope some of that helped. Swapping out the PSU should be easy enough as I said and that way it should be reasonably quick. :)
ive checked some sites, and read a magazine from my brother to find some good power supplies, theres sooo many to choose from lol :oops:

theres a zalman 400W and its really silent (dunno if they sell them in america etc) but im doubting about that because its only 50W more from my old 350W (but that might have been crappy quality)
for around 90$

and ive seen a uber good 1 antec 550W truecontrol blabla for 140$ ouch ;) its problably a little overkill but the a little lesser versions like 450W etc also arent much cheaper and atleast i know i have quality that i could use again if i build a new pc sometime ?

i dunno theres so many others but i dont want to buy the wrong shit
lets make this easy. Please list every component that you have in your pc, from hard drive to storage devices, to pci cards. It will make it easier for us to tell you what to get.

400-450 is a safe bet, but it might be overkill if you dont have too many devices.

Also here is thread that talks about different psu's and their price range. Only respectable psu's are mentioned.

ok i have:

P4 3,06ghz
Asus P4P800SE
512mb (soon 512mb extra)
Audidgy2 6:1
60gb HD (or 80 i dont remember atm lol)
Floppy disk!!!
and a MOUSE and KEYBOARD :oops: :LOL:

thats it i think
ow and i have a question about the silenced power supplys.

the noise u always hear from ur pc is it from ur power supply or ur video card (i once knew it lol, they problably both make noise but whats the 1 u always hear u know?)

because if u can get away with 400w i think ill get the zalman i can get it for 80$
mOOO said:
ok i have:

P4 3,06ghz
Asus P4P800SE
512mb (soon 512mb extra)
Audidgy2 6:1
60gb HD (or 80 i dont remember atm lol)
Floppy disk!!!
and a MOUSE and KEYBOARD :oops: :LOL:

thats it i think

You won't need that big a PSU a brandname 400W(with atleast 18-20A on 12V rail) should be more than enough , I think the Tagan PSUs are cool, but Antec or Enermax are good too (There are other good brands).

The overall wattage of the PSU is really not that important what mattes is how much it can handle on the 12V rail. The specs of a 650W Q-tec is actually worse than the specs of a 480W Tagan so don't put to much trust in overall wattage.
mOOO said:
ow and i have a question about the silenced power supplys.

the noise u always hear from ur pc is it from ur power supply or ur video card (i once knew it lol, they problably both make noise but whats the 1 u always hear u know?)

because if u can get away with 400w i think ill get the zalman i can get it for 80$

In my current computer it is the (Aopen) PSU, but as soon as you remove one source of noise you will start hearing another one. With a silent PSU you will most likely start to notice the GPU and CPU fans.

There are two versions of the 400W Zalman PSU the ZM400B and ZM400A. The A version only has an Imax of 15A on the 12V rail, that is only 180W it might be enough for your system but I think it is bit low. The B version has a Imax of 18A on the 12V rail (216W) that is enough for your system, but if you want to wan't to upgrade to something like a 3.6GHz P4 and more powerfull/powerhungry GPU you would wan't atleast 22A on the 12V rail.
well i just ordered the antec truecontrol 550W :) i know its overkill but atleast i have enough power then, and if i wanted to upgrade i dont have to worry about it anymore.

now im hoping everything works when i get it :?

does anybody know how much chance is that the fried power supply could have damaged other parts of my system? :(
does anybody know how much chance is that the fried power supply could have damaged other parts of my system?
I think it mostly comes down to luck but since you were drawing too much power rather than say getting hit by lightning with too much power I think you should probably be fine. You should be able to do at least a basic check though by looking at the components. Especially look at the capacitors and check if their tops are all intact. I had a motherboard fried by lightning and the capacitors had slightly bulging tops (if you want some pictures do a google search on "bad capacitors"). AFAIK that should give you a good indication as to the health of your motherboard and videocard.
ok new question :)

i just looked at the pic of the power supply i ordered again, and i only saw 1 outlet (word?) for a cable to put in (i should have noticed that before i ordered lol).

my old power supply had 2, 1 for monitor and 1 for my pc.

so is this a wrong 1 for my pc?? but i dont see any power supplys that has 2 outlets like my old 1 lol :D or is it just a other way of connecting?

when i look at my brothers pc he also only has 1 outlet for the cable

nm i just called my brother and he said it was ok
Just plug your monitor straight to the wall.
That's better for the PSU too, I'd think.

True, there seems to be less of those PSU's available where there is another power plug for monitor.

It should be correct for your PC, as long as you can plug the monitor to wall socket or extension cord ;)
How old school was your powersupply ?
Last computer i had that had an outlet on it for a monitor was my 386.
rabidrabbit said:
Just plug your monitor straight to the wall.


That's better for the PSU too, I'd think.

Not, really the output on the PSU for the monitor is just a passtrue, the monitor does not put any load on the PSU.

True, there seems to be less of those PSU's available where there is another power plug for monitor.

Yes, the plug takes up space that could used for something usefull (like better airflow) also it costs a few cents.

It should be correct for your PC, as long as you can plug the monitor to wall socket or extension cord ;)

Exactly (as long as he has a cable ready).
wOOhOO my pc is working again :D i just got my new power supply

i got the zallman 400W B , because where i ordered the antec 1 took soo looong they didnt even inform me or anything :? and ive read some stuff about them that they can take really long with orders :/

so 2 days ago i ordered the zalman and now i have it, and everythings working again :) lets hope it stays this way 8) ;)
ok new question :

is it normal for ur power supply to blow out warm/hot air?
because mine is :oops:

i have asus probe utility to see my temp etc from my pc
when i have my case closed normal temp is around 35c (cpu) and 50c when gaming

but when i remove my case my temp normal is 30c and when gaming 40c
and when i remove my case my power supply doesnt get so hot anymore (its not extremly hot but its pretty warm u know ;) )

and my power reading for voltage are : 12V+ = 11.855 (stays under 12 all the time is that normal)

5V+ = 5.08
3.3V+ = 3.344

so is this normal? or do i have a problem?
and how could i fix it?