Well this is a well-know technique that can be certain used on PS2, and I have ps2-linux demos that prove it...
But after many conversations with people I have the doubt about if it has been applied on commercial games or not...
I was under the impression that Tekken Tag Tournament used it on some floors (Ogre Stage for instance) or games like Burnout 2 on the asphalt...And renderware says so...
Am I blind and this are just tricks or can it be considered bump-mapping ?
It's not that I can't sleep without knowing it, just pure curiosity.
Thanks in advance, masters.
But after many conversations with people I have the doubt about if it has been applied on commercial games or not...
I was under the impression that Tekken Tag Tournament used it on some floors (Ogre Stage for instance) or games like Burnout 2 on the asphalt...And renderware says so...
Am I blind and this are just tricks or can it be considered bump-mapping ?
It's not that I can't sleep without knowing it, just pure curiosity.
Thanks in advance, masters.