Britney tries to hang self in rehab

On the issue of attractiveness. How many people under the spotlight of the media (everything from movie stars, singers to other celebrities) have you ever considered to be attractive?Frankly, I can count these people on one hand (barely).
theres a few
eg i saw this girl in a film the other day (nice) jessica biel, Jessica
Jessica Simpson is blond and has big boobies
the question is wether either of those two facets is real is open to debate
WRT jessica simpson if she came out + admitted she was actually a bloke ild have no problems believing it, check out the jawline
For someone who hasn't been musically relevent since I was in highschool, she sure know's how to keep her awful visage on the front page.
over brittney, all power to her, i recently read some paper has put a ban in reporting about paris hilton in place, unless she actually does something truly newsworthy.
She's still selling albums and doing tours (where the serious money is). I've heard she's going to to a "Farewell Tour" next year and is currently working on the album to go with it.

I think people like Madonna, The Who, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, U2, etc survive because they are real musicians, writing/playing/singing their material, putting on a big show, having a large body of past work.

Today's stars who are just "product" packaged up by the record execs and then thrown away by next year are a pale shadow compared to the artists who make their own way. When the record companies decided that "shifting units" was more important that making good music, they did themselves almost as much damage as their current war against the digital download.

I dont think its so much a problem of a lack of tallent but that theres been a huge boom in the amount of artists they sign over the past 25 years that it just created way too much music. Alot of the newer stuff i listen to nobodies heard of before, and i mean alot. Doesnt make it bad, theres just so much people dont know about where as the groups you named were big even twenty, thirty, or fourty years ago when popular artists were alot rarer. You ever listen to an oldies rock station on the radio that plays music from the late 60s and 70s? They play the same stuff over and over every two or three days because they run out of hits.

With that said i dont think Spears or anyone like her are artists so i dont include them in what i said.
over brittney, all power to her, i recently read some paper has put a ban in reporting about paris hilton in place, unless she actually does something truly newsworthy.

Yeah, Associated Press, but it didn't last half a day - Paris got herself arrested for driving without a licence, so AP had to report it.
Yeah, Associated Press, but it didn't last half a day - Paris got herself arrested for driving without a licence, so AP had to report it.
OMG is that true?!

*Half-hysterical alughter*

You just can't make stuff like that up it's too crazy..

I just can't help wondering if sghe did it on purpose just to get on front pages again. She must make money out o fit somehow. EWven tho she's blonde she can't be that dumb that she just keeps screwing up again and again ansd not getting anything out of it..

As for beauty in celebrities.. Just looking at the self-destructive nature of celebriousness of today you understand beauty is something that pretty much goes out the window the second you become famous above a certain level.

Either you become a self-centered egomaniac misogynist (Arnold Terminator etc) or self-centered diva bitch (Madonna J-Lo P Diddy to mention a very few) or you become a raging alcoholic (Mel Gibson.......) slash cokefiend (Pete Doherty Withney Houston and a list of other people as long as an arm an da leg) or you just abuse a bit of everything and go nutters in general a la Wacko Jack oor Britney.

Celebrties in general seem to be pretty f'n ugly people.

Celebrties in general seem to be pretty f'n ugly people.


Have you ever heard the phrase that "people who most want power are the ones who should have it the least"?

There's something similar with people who want fame or work out front in the entertainment industry. It's a superficial job where you train to manipulate and portray false emotions, where people care more about how you look than who you are. Half are self-centred egotists, and the rest are narcissistic fakers who can't even be honest to themselves. The industry is awash in drugs, drink, sex and sycophants, half who want to use you, and half who want to be used. They vist rehab like it's a drive through, and get married and divorced more than they change their socks.

Put it all in the backstabbing world of Hollywood or the media cartels where you're only ever one step away from being cast out because of your last failure, and it's no wonder all of them are as mad as a bag of spanners.