Britney tries to hang self in rehab

I think She got something backwards. You don't start a new life by ending yours
A source at the clinic also revealed to the paper that Britney had realised what a ‘rock’ her estranged hubby was, and that she not only wanted them to get back together, but also to have another baby.

New as in not you reincarnated (if we have some buddha or Hindu folk here):)
This was first published by the News of the World, and thus one step up from the National Enquirer. NotW has been known to make up stories, and I think this is one of them.

The main thing is that this top flight health farm would lose a lot of business if it turned out they couldn't keep their legal obligation to their very rich and famous clients to keep their medical treatment confidential.
I think when she shaved herself, that was the first step towards her induction into a mental institution.
I think when she shaved herself, that was the first step towards her induction into a mental institution.

The rumour at the time was that Fed-Ex had threatened to have her hair tested for drugs in his campaign to get custody of the kids (and thus a lot more cash in the divorce settlement). So she shaved it off to prevent that happening.

It seems though that she is suffering from post-partem depression. Just having a second kid, the messy breaking up of her marriage, clinical depression, possible drugs use, only twenty-five, etc, and all under the media spotlight. No wonder she's cracking up.
Further proof that she's officially failed on all fronts. I'm certain it was the overwhelming weight of her flopped musical career that broke the bedsheet.
Surely you're not saying that K-Fed (a backup singer/dancer in her band) had some respectibility that the other guy was missing. Surely not.
i know ive ranted on the unattractiveness of britney's apparence for years (well since day one basically, shes just plain plain)

i have a question to all those who thought brittney is/was attractive physically
do u still think this?

same thing with jessica simpson
i have a question to all those who thought brittney is/was attractive physically
do u still think this?
Britney looked hot early on in her carreer before the boobjob methinks. When she still had a bit of a tummy etc.

Athletic healthy-looking girl. And she dsid have a good voice too methinks. Not that I actually dig her music or anything. She just had an interesting personal sound.

Today when she's imploding ophysically and mentally.. No thanks. The less I have to see about her here the better. It's quite enough with all the crap I read from newspaper headlines. Leave the poor thing alone.

Brintey pretty much goes to show that while you can take the trailer trash out of the trailer can't take the trailer trash out of the trailer trash..or something. :cool:

For someone who hasn't been musically relevent since I was in highschool, she sure know's how to keep her awful visage on the front page.
Speaking of obsolete singstresses (or whatchamacallit)..

Anyone knows when madonna's actually gonna retire for real? She's now at least 3x the age of her primary fanbase for chrissakjes.

Even Michael Jackson had the good sense to make himself disappear. Though he might actually have had pretty good reason to.. :cool:

Speaking of obsolete singstresses (or whatchamacallit)..

Anyone knows when madonna's actually gonna retire for real? She's now at least 3x the age of her primary fanbase for chrissakjes.

She's still selling albums and doing tours (where the serious money is). I've heard she's going to to a "Farewell Tour" next year and is currently working on the album to go with it.

I think people like Madonna, The Who, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, U2, etc survive because they are real musicians, writing/playing/singing their material, putting on a big show, having a large body of past work.

Today's stars who are just "product" packaged up by the record execs and then thrown away by next year are a pale shadow compared to the artists who make their own way. When the record companies decided that "shifting units" was more important that making good music, they did themselves almost as much damage as their current war against the digital download.
On the issue of attractiveness. How many people under the spotlight of the media (everything from movie stars, singers to other celebrities) have you ever considered to be attractive?

Frankly, I can count these people on one hand (barely).
On the issue of attractiveness. How many people under the spotlight of the media (everything from movie stars, singers to other celebrities) have you ever considered to be attractive?

Frankly, I can count these people on one hand (barely).

Lots of people are pretty or good looking (it's almost a prerequisite for the career), but whether you find them attractive is a subjective thing. Given that attractiveness is not just about how someone looks, we only have the most superficial of projected views of these people. I'm not even sure that any of us even have the information to make the most simplistic of judgements, because we just don't know these people - we only know how their PR projects their pictures in the press and a few interviews.

Most people probably decide whether they like these people based on the songs they sing or the parts they play in movies, rather than the person themselves.

Personally, I find a lot of people superficially attractive based on their looks alone, but it's only on their looks. I like looking at faces and shapes, and I find it easy to find that pleasing on a purely aesthetic level. However, the real test is when they speak and you get to know them. Then the pretty people can become ugly, or the most average person beautiful