Black Adder, the Movie


Just happened across this link and it blew my mind!

Still, amongst all those there was one that truly stood out, and its name was "Black Adder". Now, the cult classic is headed for the big screen as Virgin.Net reports that a film version is in the production pipeline, 17 years after the final episode of the TV show aired in the United Kingdom.

Despite only 24 half-hour episodes and two specials having been made throughout its run, the series continues to have a loyal and ever growing fan base whilst many of its regular cast have gone on to major success worldwide such as Rowan Atkinson, Miranda Richardson, Stephen Fry and "House" himself Hugh Laurie.

Atkinson is apparently keen on reprising his role as Lord Blackadder, and comedian Ben Elton will once again serve as screenwriter. No word if fellow co-writer Richard Curtis, director of such films as "Notting Hill", "Bridget Jones Diary" and "Love Actually", will be involved.
Why no mention of Baldrick? How dare they not mention Baldrick.. pfft!

That would be like Laurel and Hardy without Laurel or Cheeg and Chong without Chong....

And Tony Robinson has had successes too ... erm like Time Team and... stuff like Maid Marion and her Merry Men. Honest. I like Baldrick - he is the unsung hero of Blackadder... just like the waiter from Fawlty Towers but funnier.
Hey, who said Tony Robinson wasn't god as Baldrick?!?!? :oops:

Tony Robinson wasn't god as Baldrick. Not even with a small "g" ;)

There you go I just said it.
However I was talking about the link and how they mention Fry, Hughie and Atkinson with great reverence but just about ignore poor lil Baldrick. Methinks he isn't getting a proper mention because he is not in the movie. Probably, maybe, but not definitely because he doesn't want to do it. Or something.

Oh yea another bit of comedy, the goal Sweden pulled off in the last minute against England. BWAHAHA... I bet some of my mates cried. BWAHAHA.
Interesting. I hope it will retain the humour and not Hollywoodize it.
Here's to hoping it won’t end up like the Mr. Bean flick (truly 'The Ultimate Disaster Movie').
digitalwanderer said:
Hey, who said Tony Robinson wasn't god as Baldrick?!?!? :oops:

Baldrick was the greatest, "I have a cunning plan...". :LOL:
Does it involve a turnip shaped like a thingy?
Zaphod said:
Here's to hoping it won’t end up like the Mr. Bean flick (truly 'The Ultimate Disaster Movie').
MuFu will love that! Go MuFu go!
Rehash of the good old stuff for purely commercial purposes. Wouldn't expect much from that although the series was one of my all-time favs.

It was much more than 24 episodes though, they had a few incarnations up until the WW1-Version AFAICR.
_xxx_ said:
Rehash of the good old stuff for purely commercial purposes. Wouldn't expect much from that although the series was one of my all-time favs.

It was much more than 24 episodes though, they had a few incarnations up until the WW1-Version AFAICR.

Nope it was just 24 episodes.
Each series was 6 episodes long and there were 4 series. The first series is generally considered to be not as good as the others, Rowan Atkinson was one of the writers on the first series. From the second series onwards he was replaced by Ben Elton.

I think they stopped making them at just about the right time. Too often we've seen comedy series kept alive long past their sell-by date until they turn into unfunny soap operas -- Only Fools & Horses being the prime example in recent British TV history (though I'm not entirely convinced that that series was ever funny).

In the fourth series of Blackadder the jokes were starting to become a little formulaic and predictable, I think if they'd gone on with it it would have been a disaster.
nutball said:
I think they stopped making them at just about the right time. Too often we've seen comedy series kept alive long past their sell-by date until they turn into unfunny soap operas -- Only Fools & Horses being the prime example in recent British TV history (though I'm not entirely convinced that that series was ever funny).

In the fourth series of Blackadder the jokes were starting to become a little formulaic and predictable, I think if they'd gone on with it it would have been a disaster.

I think that Fools & Horses certainly had some good moments, but it did start to get stretched too thin.
I think the worst offender though is Red Dwarf, The first 4/5 series were great, but it really started to get repetative and naff after that.

The surprising thing about 24 episodes is that means that BA2 was a grand total of 6 episodes... so you can just about make the entire series into one Peter Jackson movie.

BA2 is pure comic genius.

Also it should noted that the last Blackadder wasn't any of the 4 series and look how that turned out... Arse, its not looking too hopeful then...
DeanoC said:
Also it should noted that the last Blackadder wasn't any of the 4 series and look how that turned out... Arse, its not looking too hopeful then...
Wasn't the last one something that was made for the Millenium Dome, in which case, it would go without saying.....