BitSpirit memory


Memory for this torrent program is growing higher and higher and
doesn't want to stop I think the highest was 160mb, if I turn it off
it starts at 10mb and starts to grow. Is this a memory leak or something
else, anybody else using it? Other then this a really great and fast p2p
I changed from bitcomet because it got banned and I don't feel like
changing again.
I have switched to and this problem is gone but it's not
as fast as the new version, that one is really fast! :arrow:

I would really like to use the new version, this is the best torrent p2p
I have tried yet.
utorrent is as fast as your connection (and the rest of the swarm allows) in my own limited experience. And it certainly doesn't use a lot of memory either.

Notch up another recommendation for that client.

Why are you in such a hurry anyway? Read a book or something,.. Any differences in download speed are sure to be marginal anyway. :cool:
Of course it's kind of hard to do a side by side comparison but I too have noticed that Bitspirit is freakishly fast. It's kind of a shame though because I really don't like anything else about it. One thing is are you sure it's the version and not something you're doing at the time that's causing the large footprint.

It may simply be that it wants to cache a lot before writing to disk. I think you can muck around with cache size in the options, problem is many of the options make absolutely no sense to me.
Of course it's kind of hard to do a side by side comparison but I too have noticed that Bitspirit is freakishly fast. It's kind of a shame though because I really don't like anything else about it. One thing is are you sure it's the version and not something you're doing at the time that's causing the large footprint.

It may simply be that it wants to cache a lot before writing to disk. I think you can muck around with cache size in the options, problem is many of the options make absolutely no sense to me.

I used bitcommet before and I am pretty sure bitspirit is faster, I was pretty skeptical because
one thinks they are all the same and there isn't some magical program that can boost speed
but, if you look around on the net, people pretty much describe it as being the fastest or one off.

Now bitcommet used 65mb and that was it, doesn't go up or down, I tried uttorent and didn't
like it but I would recommend it to people with not much mem it used around 2mb. Bitspirit 3.2.
version has this problem pretty much every version I tried(3.2.*some_number*) it starts of fine
but keeps growing and doesn't want to stop, I am sure it's the program I tested it enough and
no matter what I do the result is the same. My suspicion falls on one option called "pack mem
pool" but even if I switch the option off it's still the same. Some call it a memory leak but it
could be this mem pool thing y.

Now I am using 3.0. and it has the speed but not the mem problem so it's a keeper, one thing
I noticed is that it has this mem pool but also another option bellow it called "free memory"
which the 3.2. one doesn't have and know it rarely goes over 20mb:

You are right about the options I have no idea what they are and this is a problem because
this program is, and I am guessing here, made by a Chinese author and I have no manual
or nothing to explain them and what's worse turning most of this options on or off doesn't
have any noticeable effect so trial-and-error doesn't work. Their forum is amazingly full
of crap, spam and Britney Spears wannabe porn and is of no help. The ONLY thing I have
found is a Hungarian site that explains every option for 3.2 version but I have yet to find
a decent Hungarian site translator, I will try again but it just seems to me like there is a
problem with the 3.2. It is weird because a lot of people are very pleased with it but maybe
they just didn't notice anything, having 2gb of ram i probably wouldn't notice it if I didn't
check the task manager.
I don't understand why you just don't dump weird programs like that and use a stable, easy client like utorrent for example.

How much faster can it possibly be? What are you downloading that you need to have in such a hurry?

utorrent uses like 8MB or thereabouts. That's almost nothing by today's standards and performance is very good. And there aren't a million cryptic settings to screw around with (or screw up) either..

utorrent. it is the best. problem solved.

there's a good reason why everyone on Windows uses it nowadays...