
But my point was, I wouldn't call it "perfect". There were flaws present in the demo that will most likely be in the full game.

Just curious as to what you thought it's flaws were?? I tried to think of some, but couldn't really.

Other than it possibly being a little too easy.
To me personally, Gears pales in comparison to Bioshock, it's not even close in my book. It's the colours, lighting, special FX and overall ambience that make the difference.

That's great, you have an opinion and I won't harass you for it. Why do you feel the need to question other's opinions as if they are somehow wrong? Chef and I left our demo impressions, I don't think we were trying to start a debate or have our opinions criticized.

It's a great game, I loved the demo, I pre-paid the game weeks ago. I think I qualify to have an opinion.
it looks better than Gears or any other game I've ever seen.

here is Eurogamer's impression of the visuals

I think this sums up this silly graphics "duscussion" quite nicely.

It's a game that's going to make a lot of rival developers either very excited or very depressed indeed over the coming months as they come to terms with how far ahead this game is - not just in technical terms, but in practically every other angle as well. Admittedly, the very nature of the tight, enclosed environments help give Irrational the extra headroom it needed to really pile on the detail levels, but that's not the only reason. There's genuine talent and vision at work here.
IOW, it's beautiful to the point of inspiring awe in other devs even given the advantages of the genre.

Edit: this is a review of the whole game not based only off the demo so they have seen much more of the graphics than we have. :)
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Just curious as to what you thought it's flaws were?? I tried to think of some, but couldn't really.

Other than it possibly being a little too easy.

Nothing worth mentioning. Nitpicking stuff that I would have liked to see and would want to see in the sequel if there were a sequel. Things that other games have done on this hardware with similar environment constraints that were ommited from the demo I've seen and played, and will likely be missing from the full version as well.

Like I said, I'm just trying to keep the hype grounded a bit man. That's all.

The game isn't perfect, but what game is? Doesn't make it bad. Like I said, it seems likely to get voted GOTY, and rightly so. It will probably end up being a top ten title this gen. Praise doesn't get much higher than that. ;)

Still, of the best games of last gen, there were flaws. This game is no exception.

Still, of the best games of last gen, there were flaws. This game is no exception.

that is very true of every game without question but really at what point do we just celebrate where we are?

IOW... "wow... look what they can do now!! isn't it beautiful?" and enjoy it for the moment for what it is and fix those flaws in the next generation of games? ;)

Live in the NOW baby. :cool:;)
it looks better than Gears or any other game I've ever seen.

here is Eurogamer's impression of the visuals

I think this sums up this silly graphics "duscussion" quite nicely.

IOW, it's beautiful to the point of inspiring awe in other devs even given the advantages of the genre.

Edit: this is a review of the whole game not based only off the demo so they have seen much more of the graphics than we have. :)

While the graphics are no doubt superb, I think its a bit far fetched to suggest they are "years beyond" everything else like that review suggested. And thats just looking at the games available today, nevermind upcoming games like Crysis and CoD4.

I would put it roughly on par with Gears overall which in turn is a fair way below at least one of the games mentioned above. Just my opinion of course. And being graphically on a par with Gears while at the same time having a greater level of ambience/immersion is certainly nothing to sneeze at.
While the graphics are no doubt superb, I think its a bit far fetched to suggest they are "years beyond" everything else like that review suggested. And thats just looking at the games available today, nevermind upcoming games like Crysis and CoD4.

I would put it roughly on par with Gears overall which in turn is a fair way below at least one of the games mentioned above. Just my opinion of course. And being graphically on a par with Gears while at the same time having a greater level of ambience/immersion is certainly nothing to sneeze at.

fair enough and agreed, the "years ahead" was hyperbole to bring to focus just how good it looks.
That's great, you have an opinion and I won't harass you for it. Why do you feel the need to question other's opinions as if they are somehow wrong? Chef and I left our demo impressions, I don't think we were trying to start a debate or have our opinions criticized.

I didn't criticize your opinion, or Chef's, so maybe read a little slower, and stop being so defensive. I was simply expressing my own opinion.

The only thing I was correcting was your suggestion that the game only has a few characters on screen at a time. Which simply isn't true. It could easily have 7 or 8 enemies on screen at once, and when you consider the amount of special FX going on, I think it's a little ridiculous to say it has less going on than GoW.
Like I said, I'm just trying to keep the hype grounded a bit man. That's all.

I'm just trying to spur some discussion on the game, and possible flows/areas for improvement, mainly because I'm bored, not because I'm saying the game is perfect or anything.

I'd like to know what you guys think are areas for improvement that maybe I hadn't considered. Because really, I'm drawing blanks...

Also, I'm wondering if some of these problems are things that might get addressed later in the game, for example, I thought that the guns were too weak in the demo, on both enemies and security bots, but having realized there is both anti-personal, and armor piercing rounds later in the game, I realize that's not a flaw at all but a cool design decision.
While the graphics are no doubt superb, I think its a bit far fetched to suggest they are "years beyond" everything else like that review suggested. And thats just looking at the games available today, nevermind upcoming games like Crysis and CoD4.

I would put it roughly on par with Gears overall which in turn is a fair way below at least one of the games mentioned above. Just my opinion of course. And being graphically on a par with Gears while at the same time having a greater level of ambience/immersion is certainly nothing to sneeze at.
I disagree. It is arguably the best looking console game to date, albeit not in terms of technical achievement. Rather, it is a highly polished engine combined with absolutely superb art direction. Typically the term "strong art direction" is synonymous with a weaker graphical engine; you often see games with highly stylized graphics that are not all that advanced technically but still manage to convey the desired look and feel quite well. This is one of the rare cases where a well executed game uses both together in concert.

Gears has a highly polished engine and some pretty decent art direction, but I don't think it holds up in comparison to Bioshock. Its palette is somewhat bland (browns and blacks) and the world seems tired somehow. Perhaps it's because the "dystopian world with monsters" theme has been done too many times already. Whatever the reason, Bioshock feels like a breath of fresh air. The artistic vision realized in this game is just amazing.
i know that it's not the ethical thing to do but, one of my friends offered me the game for 20 buck more than the retail price and i just couldn't help myself (i'm off work until next week and i won't be able to spend quality time on gaming for next 3 months) bioshock goodness here i come :cool:
While the graphics are no doubt superb, I think its a bit far fetched to suggest they are "years beyond" everything else like that review suggested. And thats just looking at the games available today, nevermind upcoming games like Crysis and CoD4.

I would put it roughly on par with Gears overall which in turn is a fair way below at least one of the games mentioned above. Just my opinion of course. And being graphically on a par with Gears while at the same time having a greater level of ambience/immersion is certainly nothing to sneeze at.

I'd definately agree with that. The graphics especially the in the sea bit at the begining are better than anything I've seen so far (even the water hazard section of HL2). But the rest of the game was so-so.

The main character casts no shadow and when I look down I still can't see my feet. Where are they?

It also felt kinda clunky when I was playing it (1080i?). But the ambience was good and the splicers are kinda scary the first time round. Can't wait to have a paga with a Big Daddy!!

Will be getting the PC version though, I think a dose oof higher resolution and AA/AF would make a difference.
Live in the NOW baby. :cool:;)

Agreed! It's a day one purchase for me (tried to see if the local shops broke street date, but no. Actually talked to the clerk behind the counter at a local games shop and he said he wasn't impressed with the demo at all, "par for the course ue3 game". I said, "really? hmm ... it's been getting pretty good reviews ...". Response: "eh, I've already played that game, it was called ShadowRun". At that point I realized I was talking to a complete moron and moved on. (Hater perhaps?)

I'd like to know what you guys think are areas for improvement that maybe I hadn't considered. Because really, I'm drawing blanks...

Little details:
The swim sequence: I don't know how often you swim in the game, but the effect was similar to putting a camera on a RC boat in a swimming pool (too smooth). How do they improve the realism while still keeping it FPS? Beats me. But the effect could use improvement.

Some narative seemed missing. Why did he pick the needle up and shove it in his arm? Is this typical behavior for him? Find needle => inject in arm.

Anti Aliasing: Could use improvement. If eu3 based, there are obvious limitations, but there are also methods available which were used in Gears.

Off the top of my head. I'm not sure if these things are worth discussion and honestly I'd rather focus on the positives of the game as they are truly noteworthy. Nitpicking the game to death IMO isn't constructive at this point and I'd rather just leave it at "the game is freakin awesome but it isn't perfect".
this looks like an awesome game, one i wouldnt mind trying out when it comes to the pc, reminds me of the film 'the shining' for some reason (anyone else think this?).
graphically very good (brilliant art + direction, in the top3 ever), points off though for being
- non unified lighting
- to plasticy (water excuse doesnt cut it, im suffering from the same problem)
- corridor crawl (with all the restrictions associated with this)
im definitely gonna try this one out though
Little details:
The swim sequence: I don't know how often you swim in the game, but the effect was similar to putting a camera on a RC boat in a swimming pool (too smooth). How do they improve the realism while still keeping it FPS? Beats me. But the effect could use improvement.

Some narative seemed missing. Why did he pick the needle up and shove it in his arm? Is this typical behavior for him? Find needle => inject in arm.

Anti Aliasing: Could use improvement. If eu3 based, there are obvious limitations, but there are also methods available which were used in Gears.

Ahh, I thought you meant more in terms of the gameplay.

I agree the water effects were a little less than I was expecting, that was my one complaint in my OP. Though I have to give them a break since it's probably still best in class at this point.

The part where he injects the needle struck me as odd too, so I'm hoping these are part of the cuts Levine made for the demo. He stated he hates it when the Demo and Game are identical, so he made a number of tweaks to the demo so it was a little different.
While the graphics are no doubt superb, I think its a bit far fetched to suggest they are "years beyond" everything else like that review suggested. And thats just looking at the games available today, nevermind upcoming games like Crysis and CoD4.
I think the review was talking about the game as a whole being years ahead of its time, not specifically the graphics.

For me, it was this preview that just made me grin more and more as the interview went on.
I agree the water effects were a little less than I was expecting, that was my one complaint in my OP. Though I have to give them a break since it's probably still best in class at this point.

I knew after typing that it wasn't going to be interpreted as intended.:LOL:

The water fx themselves weren't a complaint I'd wager against them (like you said, overall, they're leading edge) I was talking about the way the camera moved with the water ("too smooth").

Like I said, I'm not sure how to address it while still keeping it functional and first person.

Gameplay wise = perfect.