Best game soundtrack?

London Geezer

Self explanatory really, what do you think is the best ever soundtrack for a videogame? For soundtrack i mean the actual CD you can buy in shops, not just what you remember the game sounding like.
Icewind Dale. This is where Jeremy Soule really took off. The sound track was so good they sold the music CD a few months after the game was released. This was years ago when game soundtracks were just a twinkle is developers eyes! :)
Karma Police said:
Icewind Dale. This is where Jeremy Soule really took off. The sound track was so good they sold the music CD a few months after the game was released. This was years ago when game soundtracks were just a twinkle is developers eyes! :)

The first? How's the second one?
FFs have good/great soundtracks.
Zelda : Wind waker is great too.
Dragon Quest soundtracks are nice too.

There are just too many good games OST to choose a 'best' among them.
Well.. GTA_Vice city had some pretty nice songs, but if you want asked for "original composed" stuff, then Shenmue must be one of my choices.. and Halo :D
I'm thinking more something moving like the Final Fantasy 10 (or was it 10-2? can't remember) soundtrack. Very nice, some amazing melodies.

Noriko Matsueda is a great musician.
DigitalSoul said:
It had to be FF10. 10-2 was more J-pop oriented and I think it was a different composer too.

Nope just checked i meant FFX-2... Very pop, but some songs are very slow and moving. Same for FFX though, they're a bit similar, only difference is that X doesn't have the pop oriented music X-2 has. They're both huge soundtracks though.

FF8 is on 4 CDs, something like 4 hours of soundtrack... :oops:
The most memorable game soundtrack recently, for me, has been the Katamari Damacy soundtrack. The music fit real well with the game and the "theme" is very... addicting.
london-boy said:
Nope just checked i meant FFX-2... Very pop, but some songs are very slow and moving. Same for FFX though, they're a bit similar, only difference is that X doesn't have the pop oriented music X-2 has. They're both huge soundtracks though.

FF8 is on 4 CDs, something like 4 hours of soundtrack... :oops:

I have FFVII and FFX OST and they are also 4 CD's long
DigitalSoul said:
I have FFVII and FFX OST and they are also 4 CD's long

Are they? I only have the Piano version of FF7, kinda cool but only 1 CD.

It's quite amazing the amount of work behind these games. I mean that is a lot of music just for a videogame.
Xenogears is definitely my #1. The music was composed by Yasunori Mitsuda, who also did Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross (both of which also have awesome soundtracks). Final Fantasy 6 is another good one.