Best CRT monitor deal?

digitalwanderer said:
karlotta said:
Try the used DEll 21in,. But your realy looking for a Trinny or Diamondtron 21in, And they are $600 or so new. To get 1600/1200 @ 85hz. the small CRTs are not being made in any numbers anymore and sony is going to leave the CRT consummer market all together. If you want 100hz at 16/12 you will be in the $1000.oo range. But that is the best investment i have made in my PC life.
100Hz @ 16x12 is $1,000us still?!?! Dang it, I figured CRTs would be gettable cheap since flat panels are all the rage.

Ok, so I'll definately limit myself to 85Hz 16x12. Trinitron isn't super important as long as it's nearly flat and has great image quality.

EDITED BITS: Dumb thought, but my son's best friends Mom was just telling me that if I ever need anything from Dell that her hubby has an account with them thru Ford and can get anything with free shipping...

With a monitor free shipping can be a biiiig deal, I think I'll poke around Dell's site for some deals. 8)

I got an old cornerstone monitor like 2 years ago for $100 that could do 1600x1200 @ 100hz. It was the P1600/ Color 50/115sf. Well, it was the color 50/115sf, but it uses the same drivers as the p1600 so I'm assuming they're basically the same thing.;item=5160992407&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
Here's a p1600. There's also this;item=5160392560&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW but I'm not sure if it's the same thing.
Note: I doubt the cornerstone monitor compares to other crts in image quality, I think it's mostly just big with a high refresh rate.(image quality starts to degrade with high res and high refresh rate though) And of course the cornerstones aren't flat.
DW I wouldn't worry about what name is on the front, my monitor is the compaq p110 or whatever and it is really a great monitor.
Viewsonic support is top notch though. Once whined about some glow in the dark region next to a light region (something every CRT does in a dark room) and the cross-shipped a replacement no questions asked and told me to take the one I liked better.