Bergman promises high-end AMD GPUs into 2010


Mostly Harmless

WE HAD a chat with one of ATI's executive veeps, who is now an AMD chap. Rick Bergman confirmed that AMD wants to stay in a desktop graphics business.

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One of the chaps that drive the graphic business at AMD confirmed that DAAMIT has plans for its desktop offerings, including the high end, for at least three more years.

Which is as far as the product roadmap runs, rather than a suggestion that they will pull the plug at that point.

So it's still "possible" that they'll keep on going with consoles and mobile then, or am I reading into "desktop" too much?
Think you're reading too much into it. The topic in question was their commitment to the high end gpu market so that's why it only mentions desktop parts.

I doubt they'll abandon any part of the market anytime soon.