Been corresponding with Kyle @ HardOCP

dig, the moderators are back on duty a Futuremark.
The thread I've been rapping away at since yesterday just disapeared.
I'm not arguing or disagreeing with anything I've read about his hypocrisy, double-standards, or lack of technical knowledge...but it was pointed out to me by a mate over in a thread at R3D that it must REALLY sort of suck to have every creditable source in the community ripping on you and calling you a moron company lacky and such.

Not that he doesn't deserve it or have it coming, but it did just strike me as kind of an odd and lonely place to be and I felt a bit sorry for him...

Well, he really had it coming... He sold himself in order to gain some immediate advantages (Doom3 benchmarketing), and lost all credibility in the process. He went to such lengths to please NV on this whole 3DMark matter that I won't cry for him now that it's time to pay the piper...

Besides, he really has absolutely no clue whatsoever regarding the technical validity (or lack thereof) of the PR he keeps regurgitating. While w3bm4stArZ incompetence is a typical case in this industry, his high-profile rants, trolling of various forums... coupled with his basic ignorance of the issues at hand is really starting to rub more and more people the wrong way. Some of his (or his crew) cheap tactics (incitation to spamming, for example) are also so bad that he really deserves what he's getting.

One day, I hope more webmasters will understand that bending over to an IHV for a few cheap hits will not prove profitable in the long run...
Pete said:
1) Natoma, I'd remove your personal info.
2) Did Kyle know you were going "public" with his comments. Sure, they don't exactly set the world on fire, but still....

As to why we dislike Kyle? He comes across as fairly reasonable in these e-mails and initially in the locked thread on the issue in the [H] forums, but then he publishes exposes and editorials and newsposts and further replies constructed on such an absurdly hypocritical basis that it's [H]ard to take him as nothing more than a tool of nVidia.

1) It doesn't matter. I get spammed out the arse in email everyday. Besides, that's my work address. :)

2) I had no intention of doing so. But then I saw his comments on R3D and at HCP and I realized he was telling two stories. One to me, and one to the rest of the world, and it was really making my stomach sick.

That's why at the end I really was trying to stress the idea of journalistic morality and integrity, which apparently flew right over his head.

I meant every word I said. I don't know that much about 3D, but I do try to shop from 'moral' companies, and I try to trust the reviewers in the media who provide the information on what products I "should" buy. I lost a lot of respect for HCP and Nvidia over the past few days, but moreso from this very email exchange.