Been anywhere interesting lately?


What it says on the tin. I'm sure lots of people have been to lots of places. I'm hoping to get some a little more outta the way. Rest assured my Magaluf portfolio is safely stowed away.

I did a recent work trip to Azerbaijan and Georgia. Fascinating places.

This will sound like a massive generalisation but I found all, and I mean all, Azeris to be warm and friendly people. I'm glad I got to go seeing as there's no way I would've gone ordinarily.

I was there when the FA Cup final (soccer) was on. Was desperate to watch it and was up near the border in a place called Sheki/Saki. Walked into a teahouse that appeared to be frequented by the Azeri equivalent of The Sopranos. Rather condescendingly I asked in a frightful English accent: "Hello old bean... are you showing the English FA Cup final?"

Eventually the owner found a channel showing it and the locals were convincing in showing some interest in the game. Being formerly of the USSR they had a lot of time for Abramovich's Chelsea...

Anyway, at leaving time after an abysmal game they refused to let me pay. Granted it was only for a few pots of tea and biscuits. But in a small tourist resort where poverty was ever present I was moved by the gesture.

I'm not the sort to start threads but I've had these pics hanging around in a folder for a while and thought someone (anyone!?) may enjoy casting an eye over them. Hopefully some others may have the odd pic lying around too...

Just over the border into Georgia. The locals seemed a little offended by the 4x4...

Azerbaijan - can't remember where exactly but it made me think maybe I should be a photographer! :)

A church/crypt a little further on from the previous pic. All the churches claim to be the "oldest in the region". Was kind of spooky. The crypts had giant skeletons (the Albans) that were well over 6 foot. And that was just the females.

The "Caravanserrai" where I stayed in Sheki.

Again at the Caravansserai. Trying to be artistic. My gf liked it...

What I wanted to say most was that I agree with the view: Travel is good for the soul.
My deli across the street is quite exotic. They burn incense sometimes. I'd love to travel more but my fear of flying keeps me at bay. I've never even left the US.
I just came from home depot. :devilish:

Actually, I was in South Africa in November. I think the next country i go to, is canada (never been there before) than India later this year.
My deli across the street is quite exotic. They burn incense sometimes. I'd love to travel more but my fear of flying keeps me at bay. I've never even left the US.

:LOL: but :( all at the same time!

I just came from home depot. :devilish:

Actually, I was in South Africa in November. I think the next country i go to, is canada (never been there before) than India later this year.

Canada's a must for you (seeing as it's so close). And I'd love to see any pics you have of South Africa. But I'd especially be interested in any of India when you go. When you get back make sure to look up any threads started by slider...
Going to Belgium in about two weeks, it's interesting for me since I've never been there and know nothing about the country except that "french" fries came from there.
I think the most "exotic" place I've ever been is Egypt. I went there with my sister two (or three?) years ago to see the great pyramids, since we think when we're older we probably won't have the right opportunity to go there anymore.

This year my family and I went to a mountain area in Japan (named Tateyama Kurobe), to see some snow. You know, we don't have snow here except in high mountains and cold winters, so it's quite interesting to us. The scenery is also great.
Going to Belgium in about two weeks, it's interesting for me since I've never been there and know nothing about the country except that "french" fries came from there.
Make sure you spend at least a day in Brugge. It is one of the loveliest cities I've been to (along with Venice and Lucerne).
I'd love to travel more but my fear of flying keeps me at bay. I've never even left the US.

I don't mean to be rude, but travelling is underrated. It really is something everyone should do. Not as a holiday (argh), as an exploration. You become a better person for it, especially in larger countries like the US.

I hope I don't hit a nerve, but I found that I could quite easily tell the people who had travelled outside of their home country or not. Those who had not would often treat you with suspicion and a dash of paranoia - or as a novelty. A natural reflex of course, but one I found somewhat depressing. Being exposed to different cultures irreversibly changes the way you view and treat the world and other people.

That said;

I can totally understand that flying is difficult. Flying alone, in a forign country is particularly hard the first many times. However there are other ways to travel, be it boat, train, etc.
America is a pretty big continent after all :)

Stepping out of one's comfort zone is one of those 'no pain no gain' kind of things. I can say that the first time for me was utterly petrifying.


for pictures of places I've recently been... I don't have much on my laptop, however here are some that are interesting (mostly from boston - since I was there last)

Amazingly, Mount St.Helens to this day still looks like a bomb hit it:

I spent some time on a farm in oregon, and this probably sums it up.
One of the most awesome dogs I've every met :p

random midnight wandering in Singapore... possibly the best picture I've ever taken. Awesome place.

My coolest gig so far, working on this exhibit:
making this:
hanging with these guys and gal: :) :) (and many others :p)

In boston.. an amazing city. (Although it has it's darker side too I discovered)
I also spent halloween in boston! hehehe (we don't have it over here) - I GOT TO CARVE A PUMPKIN WEEE - spot the smoke machine

I admit this one isn't mine, my dad sent it to me from dubia:
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I don't mean to be rude, but travelling is underrated. It really is something everyone should do. Not as a holiday (argh), as an exploration. You become a better person for it, especially in larger countries like the US.

I hope I don't hit a nerve, but I found that I could quite easily tell the people who had travelled outside of their home country or not. Those who had not would often treat you with suspicion and a dash of paranoia - or as a novelty. A natural reflex of course, but one I found somewhat depressing. Being exposed to different cultures irreversibly changes the way you view and treat the world and other people.

I don't take offense at all. In fact I'd love to travel, it's just my fear of heights is ungodly, ironically I work in a skyscraper, and flying is something I do only when there's absolutely no alternative means of travel. There's plenty of countries I'd like to visit, and hopefully someday will. On my list is Ireland, England, Japan and most importantly I want nothing more than to see Sweden.
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This year I've only been to:

Beijing & Dalian, China
Dusseldorf & Essen, Germany
Los Angeles

but I'm still on the hook for Taipei, Seoul and at least two more China trips.

Used to love travel, but have come to loath it at times :(
Just got back from spending 16 days in Peru. It was with the whole family (painful at times), but the trip was still great. Spent a few days down in Ika City looking at the Nazca lines, then a week long cruise on the Amazon, starting from Iquitos, then a few more days in Cuzco and Machu Picchu. While the Amazon part of the trip was very cool, I have to admit that I like Machu Picchu better. Probably because I'm more of a mountain hiking kinda person than a rain forest person.

Don't have any pics up online yet, but my wife is supposedly going to get something uploaded. Somehow I'm guessing it won't be anytime soon. :)
I don't take offense at all. In fact I'd love to travel, it's just my fear of heights is ungodly, ironically I work in a skyscraper, and flying is something I do only when there's absolutely no alternative means of travel. There's plenty of countries I'd like to visit, and hopefully someday will. On my list is Ireland, England, Japan and most importantly I want nothing more than to see Sweden.

I was about to come and apologize.
I wrote my reply at 2am last night, hence it's all preachy and I went a bit overboard with the pictures.

Sweden would be awesome, however for some reason I just can't stand the accent... I don't know why, it just irritates me (even more than australians)
The kids are dying for a rain forest trip. Last year we (my wife/their stepmom and I) offered them either gifts or a trip to Chicago to see the museums/aquarium/etc. and they took the trip. This year they're pushing hard for a trip to Costa Rica...something with rain forest tours and fairly "eco" (though I want AC!).

Anyone been there?
The kids are dying for a rain forest trip. Last year we (my wife/their stepmom and I) offered them either gifts or a trip to Chicago to see the museums/aquarium/etc. and they took the trip. This year they're pushing hard for a trip to Costa Rica...something with rain forest tours and fairly "eco" (though I want AC!).

Anyone been there?

The closest I've been is a recent trip to the Eden Project. Although their intentions are good the place is over-rated if anyone's tempted to pay a visit whilst they're in SW England.

And I know what you mean about growing to hate travel. I used to do a lot with work. Three or four days in one place and as nice as the hotels were I missed my comfy sofa and battered slippers.

@Graham: Loving some of those pics. And to partially sate the wanderlust... more pics are always welcome people.
Just got back from spending 16 days in Peru. It was with the whole family (painful at times), but the trip was still great. Spent a few days down in Ika City looking at the Nazca lines, then a week long cruise on the Amazon, starting from Iquitos, then a few more days in Cuzco and Machu Picchu. While the Amazon part of the trip was very cool, I have to admit that I like Machu Picchu better. Probably because I'm more of a mountain hiking kinda person than a rain forest person.

Don't have any pics up online yet, but my wife is supposedly going to get something uploaded. Somehow I'm guessing it won't be anytime soon. :)
Who'd you book with? We were looking at going with GAP adventures, but the Inca Trail filled up for this year by the time we got around to thinking about booking. We'd do the 18 day Amazon/Inca Trail/Galapagos cruise thing.
Who'd you book with? We were looking at going with GAP adventures, but the Inca Trail filled up for this year by the time we got around to thinking about booking. We'd do the 18 day Amazon/Inca Trail/Galapagos cruise thing.

We went with these guys (International Expeditions):
The trip itself is just the Amazon, but we added the Nazca and Machu Picchu extensions. I'd say Nazca really wasn't worth it.

Also, the trip we took was a bit too 5 star for my taste. My wife and I like to rough things a bit, and this was the exact opposite. We were waited on hand and foot the entire trip, even on the ship. I think the trip is geared more towards retirees. We didn't get to do much hiking, except for the optional grueling climb up to the peak of Wayna Picchu to get pictures like this of Machu Picchu: (huge 4MB pic)

The same company does offer a trip where you stay in the jungle, but we talked to the people who went on that trip, and they weren't very impressed. I guess IE didn't run that tour, and they were handed off to another company that wasn't nearly as good.
Since this thread was recommended in another thread I'll resurrect it with a couple of pics from my vacation (returned yesterday).

Watching the midnight sun from the top of Nalovardo:

Gimegolts, a 1500m long and 25m deep ravine formed by melting water from the ice ages. Supposedly the ravine is also about another 25m deep into the lake.
Since this thread was recommended in another thread I'll resurrect it with a couple of pics from my vacation (returned yesterday).

Yeah, sorry - that was a bit of shameless self promotion of my own thread. :oops:

Amazing pics. And the best bit is... you didn't even have to leave the country.

I can't quite work out the perspective of the 2nd picture. The reflection from the water is playing tricks on my eyes.