Become invisible, get chicks and make your cat use the loo for 24,95!

You need to make sure you read the whole thing, and the feedback. Moral Purposes Only!

As a free bonus, you'll also get Secrets of Sexual Seduction! Powerful secrets guaranteed to bring women into your bedroom. Intimate, revealing & uncensored. 169 HUGE pages packed with every proven trick of seduction

You also get:​
2 cures for male baldness that really work
Unusual methods to GAIN 4” - 6” in height
A method of losing weight without exercise
X Secret for Men (This is fantastic!!) Grow 2 – 4 INCHES of intimate length PERMANENTLY for PENNIES! This is scientifically proven to work!

As a final bonus, you also get The Wizard's Book of Animal Secrets
Here's just a sample of what you get:​
    • How to command flocks of birds wherever you go
    • Controlling snakes, bees, gnats, houseflies
    • Teaching your dog to walk & dance on stilts
    • Commanding your cat to use the bathroom toilet
    • Quickly tame wild horses when others have failed
    • The quiet world of frogs & toads
    • Keeping a squirrel in your pocket
    • Bringing dead creatures BACK TO LIFE!
    • Much more!
When I read that thing and came to the sexual seduction stuff and then saw baldness cure and then lose weight without exercise I was just thing they'll try to use as a lure is penis length gain.... LO AND BEHOLD!

X Secret for Men (This is fantastic!!) Grow 2 – 4 INCHES of intimate length PERMANENTLY for PENNIES! This is scientifically proven to work!

Rofl! What a predictable scam..
Have you ever looked at someone and they picked up on your vibe and looked back at you? You felt embarrassed! Why? Because you were thinking about that person in a sexual way and that person felt it. You were projecting/broadcasting a sexual image/thought with your inner-mind and they responded. They just knew that you were thinking about them sexually and turned to look back at you.

This is bogus. I've tried doing it and it doesn't work. :D

It is on the other hand pretty easy to notice someone looking at you in the periphery.

So basically if you imagine yourself invisible, you send out this "vibe" in TheSecretlawofattraction-style and people will not notice you? (this seems familiar from somewhere else btw)

Thinking and dwelling about something may just get you in the right mindset to achieve it, but why do they go so far as to say you actually influence the world with just mere thoughts?

Ideally, someone should sit in an empty room and meditate for a year straight and dwell on the things he wants and see if they come to him to see if this works. :)