Battlestar Galactica second season premieres tonight

Yes, found it worse than watching football and believe me when I say football is boring.

On top of that it is stupid and smutty.

digitalwanderer said:
The Baron said:
Guess what, though--I would have paid $10 to download the whole season without a second thought.
I'm downloading it, who do I send the tenner to? ;)

And Kruno, Desperate Housewives is actually pretty freaking hilarious...have you watched it?
digitalwanderer said:
Am I missing something or wasn't "the first season" like two long episodes? :?

There was a three hour mini-series, and when that did well there was a short series 1 of about 13 episodes. Series 2 starts tonight. You missed loads, but we were talking about it lots at the time.
SG-1 isn't that bad, did you watch the last couple of seasons (7-8 )? Enterprise sucked, except for the final 2 seasons., but the Xindi story arc was the best. Of course, BSG rules all.
I must admit I do find SG-1 mildly distracting, I'm not really a big fan of sci-fi, yet alone TV sci-fi.

Sky seem to be showing a bunch of Enterprise episodes set in some parallel Universe where all the characters are bad, the women wear less clothing and everybody shags a lot. I really dunno why the producers need to come up with this sort of nonsense, it's like the Holodeck thing in whatever the other series was. It's a lame excuse for having no ideas. I mean less clothes and more shagging is good IMO, but the lame over-acting is pretty crap. Didn't we go through Mr Kirk Gets In Contact With His Bad Side about forty years ago?
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
You missed loads, but we were talking about it lots at the time.
Hmmm, must have happened around the time I started getting into Naruto & Bleach and then dove headfirst into a non-stop anime binge.

I hope it's good, I'll catch up before next weeks episode. ;)
DemoCoder said:
SG-1 isn't that bad, did you watch the last couple of seasons (7-8 )? Enterprise sucked, except for the final 2 seasons., but the Xindi story arc was the best. Of course, BSG rules all.

i DLed all 8 seasons..... ;)
but i'll take Atlantis over SG-1 anytime.... specially now that in SG-1 main enemy is defeated and Atlantis still have lots of bad guys to fight...
silence said:
DemoCoder said:
SG-1 isn't that bad, did you watch the last couple of seasons (7-8 )? Enterprise sucked, except for the final 2 seasons., but the Xindi story arc was the best. Of course, BSG rules all.

i DLed all 8 seasons..... ;)
but i'll take Atlantis over SG-1 anytime.... specially now that in SG-1 main enemy is defeated and Atlantis still have lots of bad guys to fight...

SG1 is going to get a new enemy - ever worse than before. They are also going to fill in a lot more about the Ancients and how the built the Stargates.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
SG1 is going to get a new enemy - ever worse than before. They are also going to fill in a lot more about the Ancients and how the built the Stargates.

cool.... well, i would watch it anyway, but this makes it more worthy to wait...
What I liked about Stargate was the long story arcs, and watching the humans go from sucking, to slowly accumulating and learning advanced technology, so now they can actually build starships, 8 years later.

SG-1's new enemies are ascended beings, like the Ancients, only evil theocratic ones, who demand worship, like the Goa'uld. Without Jack and Richard Dean Anderson tho, I think SG-1 will die. You're right, Atlantis is the new baby. The only thing that can save SG-1's 10th season hopes, is lots of Atlantis cross-overs stories, since they can now travel back to earth.
DemoCoder said:
What I liked about Stargate was the long story arcs, and watching the humans go from sucking, to slowly accumulating and learning advanced technology, so now they can actually build starships, 8 years later.

SG-1's new enemies are ascended beings, like the Ancients, only evil theocratic ones, who demand worship, like the Goa'uld. Without Jack and Richard Dean Anderson tho, I think SG-1 will die. You're right, Atlantis is the new baby. The only thing that can save SG-1's 10th season hopes, is lots of Atlantis cross-overs stories, since they can now travel back to earth.

ya, i think they go for SG-1 / Atlantis mix....
they already had Asgrad on board Deadalus in first episode. after watching first episode of Atlantis i understand why they didnt bring Asgrad into game with more ships (they would prolly resolve Wraith problem very easily)... specially since Asgrad is kinda in debt to Earth (replicators).....

and it seems that there will be some issues with Jaffar (dunno right spelling, hope this is right one).....

damn..... 3 opening epizodes on my favorite shows in one day.... i watched Atlantis again today and will prolly watch Galactica for sure....
DemoCoder said:
What I liked about Stargate was the long story arcs, and watching the humans go from sucking, to slowly accumulating and learning advanced technology, so now they can actually build starships, 8 years later.

SG-1's new enemies are ascended beings, like the Ancients, only evil theocratic ones, who demand worship, like the Goa'uld. Without Jack and Richard Dean Anderson tho, I think SG-1 will die. You're right, Atlantis is the new baby. The only thing that can save SG-1's 10th season hopes, is lots of Atlantis cross-overs stories, since they can now travel back to earth.

Ben Browder is taking over RDA's role in the team, and he was just fantastic in Farscape. Let's face it, RDA's traditional role of SG1 team leader and soldier-who-was-not-a-geek pretty much disapeared in the last series when he became in charge of the SGC, so I don't think it's a bad thing really. SG-1 as a team of three wasn't as good as when all four of them could play off each other. It's a testament to the actors and the scriptwriters that they made it work so well anyway.
SG1 has always been trash, really. Dunno why I have been watching it for so long, prolly because I'm a sucker for SciFi of any kind. The first few seasons were embarrassingly bad, it got a bit stonger in the later seasons but the last two seasons were shit again. Not early-season kind of shit, just a different kind of shit. The whole goauld thing was drawn out far too long and these Lego Technic thingies never made a scary enemy. 9th season? Bleh. McGuyver > Farscape guy (though Farscape >>> SG1).

SG Atlantis is more of the same but it looks a bit more coherent and it feels fresh. It might turn out better than SG1 (wouldn't be that much of an achievement though). Maybe it's a bit too much by the numbers... just look at the cast. Caucasian male lead plus a bunch of multi-racial sidekicks, including a cliché Canuck. *BARF*. Still has potential.

Enterprise never really lived up to the expectations though the last season was good. They should have focused more on telling stories relevant to the Trek universe lore, instead of making up all that new shit. That temporal cold war thing was a shitty idea to begin with. The single-episode style of the first two seasons was just too 1990s. They panicked and came up with a fully serialzed plot at a time when most people had already lost interest. Bad idea. In the last seasons, imo, they finally found the right formula: several multi-episode story arcs per season. But it was too late by then. The final episode was an insult.

Galactica's first season was pretty cool. I really dig the dark and gritty style. I don't think they have a really huge budget which might be a good thing - less pointless SFX battles (Enterprise really went overboard with the campy duck & shoot crap), more character developement and good story telling. I hope the 2nd season will be as strong as the first one.
BSG >> Atlantis >> SG1 >> most other scifi crap.

I beg to differ. SG1 is better than most other SciFi shows on TV except for BSG and FireFly. Farscape sucked. Enterprise sucked, except for Season 3 and a few episodes from Season 4. The whole suliban thing and temporal cold war thing was bloody stupid. Not to mention it is thoroughly inconsistent with existing Trek Canon.

Trek used to irritate the hell out of me because every week, they'd invent some new technology that could make the ship go 10x faster, increase the shields by 10x, they'd travel in time when convenient, adjust transporters to reverse aging or permanently preserve people dying, and then convenient forget it next week.

SG-1 is alot more consisent, and the writers don't forget stuff that happened a few episodes ago, or even many seasons ago. Instead, they slowly built up a universe and rules for that universe, that they continue to use and rarely break.

This is not to say that SG-1 is a "great" SciFi show, but the writers were alot smarter than the Trek writers in many regards, especially Brannon/Braga. One of the principle things that irks readers of science fiction is the inconsistency of logic and rules in the imagined universes.

Science Fiction isn't about award winning human interest stories simply set in the future that, so I wouldn't define or expect "good drama" from a SF show that will tickle the hearts of literary critics. What makes good SF, like Vinge's "A Fire Upon the Deep" is interesting universes, with colorful characters and rules, and sometimes, deep condundrums to solve.

SG-1 is somewhat lightweight, action oriented, bordering on camp sometimes, but that alone doesn't make it bad, which is why it has survived 8 seasons. You don't survive 8 seasons by being shit.
What a great night for scifi TV. The SG:sg1 was a bit disapointing but it is to early to give up on the new cast members. I loved atlantis the whole episode got me going from begining to end. It is kick ass they have an asguard as part of the crew of the new ship. I hope atlantis can keep it up I love how it is a traditional scifi show. Lots of big battles and the use redshirts to die every week. The 3 part seige arch was my favorite sequence of a scifi show since season 4 of babylon 5.

BSG was easily the best episode of the show I have seen. I hope this is the new direction they are going with less sex and less Dr. Bashir. This is the first episode I can remember that was not about how many times Dr. Bashir can get some or other crew members in some sort of an orgy. That is what bothered me the whole first season thier worlds were destroyed but they were to busy having partys and random sex to really care. I just hope a strong male character can emerge because so far every man on the show is being lead by his johnson by some chick. Evan Adama was the presidents little bitch until the last episode of the season. I won't even get into that pansy apolo. Also I hate this pregancy storylines it is just to much like V.
i had fun reading about Star Trek, prolly main reason why i am staying as far away as possible of that show is exactlly that every new episode is solved with new particles or some shit like that....

both SG-1 and specially Atlantis are by far better then ST. there is consistent universe which acctually makes some sense..... BSG is special case and i really really liked how second season started. you simply have to ask yourself what is that bloody plan Cylons have. ;) ....acctually its more like "WTF is acctually going on??????", while enjoying good show.
Demo, you insensitive clod, where the hell is babylon 5 in that? I say it's better than SG1, but nothing touches BSG.


Sex is a hopefuly act of procreation, I would expect even the "wholesome" would be engaging in it often. As for Baltar, he's a hedonist, entirely self-serving, he's comming out of that now, but what do you expect?
Saem said:
Demo, you insensitive clod, where the hell is babylon 5 in that? I say it's better than SG1, but nothing touches BSG.


Sex is a hopefuly act of procreation, I would expect even the "wholesome" would be engaging in it often. As for Baltar, he's a hedonist, entirely self-serving, he's comming out of that now, but what do you expect?

I love skinamax as much as the next guy but I like my scifi to be not like desperate house wives. Sex every once in a while is ok but BSG season 1 had episodes were every segment had sex. It really took away from what could of been a great season. It seemed like when the writers needed filler in an epsisode it was hey lets have Dr. Bashir nail some broad. Less can be more leave a little to the imagination. I was hoping for a really dark and gritty show but instead a lot of the time it was desperate housewives in space. I really like the start to the season I hope they continue this direction.

Babylon 5 destroys any other scifi show out there. Seasons 2-4 were incredible with great acting and even better writing. I hope 1 day BSG can get into babylon 5's league. I doubt any other scifi show will be able to beat the build up to and the excution of the babylon 5 episode severed dreams.
silence said:
i had fun reading about Star Trek, prolly main reason why i am staying as far away as possible of that show is exactlly that every new episode is solved with new particles or some shit like that....

both SG-1 and specially Atlantis are by far better then ST. there is consistent universe which acctually makes some sense..... BSG is special case and i really really liked how second season started. you simply have to ask yourself what is that bloody plan Cylons have. ;) ....acctually its more like "WTF is acctually going on??????", while enjoying good show.

I competely agree SG and atlantis do a great job with universe continuity and building. I also love how patient the writers are. It took 8 bloody seasons for us to build a star ship. How many other shows would of waited that long for such a huge step. It makes every small discovery along the way mean so much more. Also the writers are spot on with thier sarcastic humor. I used to love the sarcasim of O'Neil when carter/jackson would go into technobable.

I love atlantis because the universe seems so damn dangerous. It seems like every week some redshirt is getting wacked by the wraith or other enemy.