A very core piece of that was networkinging. 360 was afar better network experience than PS3, so for online play, it was the better choice, and the cheaper one, and there wasn't BC. Next gen is the first ever where the ecosystems are basically the same with nothing to distinguish except the libraries and incidentals like controllers. So swapping from PS2 to 360 wasn't a big deal because between 360 and PS3, you still lost your PS2 library. And same swapping from 360 to PS4 as you pretty much lost your 360 library and PS4 could game online just as well as XB1. From XB1 to PS5, you lose your MS ecosystem. From PS4 to XBSX, you lose your PS library. And we also will be buying into next gen with an awareness that it'll follow into the next too, so from here on in, if you choose XBSX, you are also fairly committing to XB forever more, and same with PS. Switching platform will be more costly than the past.