He even said "rumors" and "we'll see" which is code for "when I'm wrong you can't get mad".
He seems to have a bias as well because when some in the replies says the old software is what matters who cares, he retorts something about well MS is making a big deal out of it so obviously somebody does (which seemed oddly caustic towards ms to me)
Then you have the fact his tweet is essentially the visual representation of the meme:
Reiner: PS5 will be more powerful than Xbox
Like, where did that come from? At least if he was answering a question it would seem more organic instead of defensive, and IMO less suspicious.
The most powerful console is Xbox One X, for at least the next 1.5 years. Past that is only speculation. And we wont know any answers for a LONG time and even then nobody will, accept them (secret sauce)
Would devs even have final specs at this time?
We also have a vid where Xbox is talking about "eating monsters for breakfast". I dont think it will be any lightweight.
Plus, the PS4 was 50% >Xbox One. Do you think that's happening again? (I think it will be less powerful; than next Xbox, but just for argument). We know just that both are touting SSD's, Zen 2, and apparently Navi officially, all parity so far.
But I should have just left my original reply rather than over explain LOL. It summed up the truth better TBH.