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PoGGeh said:
The fact that you think i dont or cant use google just because I have used IE points to my earlier comment of egotism/ web fascism.

In the main, people who are against MS product do a HELL of a lot more bashing of competitors - ie LINUX people dissing WIN, FF users dissing IE. get a grip/life/better arguement.

Obviously IE users don't have a sense of humour either ;) ;) ;)

Hint: smileys indicate sarcasm/humour. sheesh.

As for fascism, that's kinda rich given that Microsoft are the ones who are trying to dictate that only THEIR products be used. The mozilla organisation and Linux folks are just trying to ensure there is still CHOICE in the marketplace.
PoGGeh said:
WRT disabling a feature that even my mother has complained about. Its stupid that it has to BE an excerccise in searching. My mum DOESNT know how to google (yet :rolleyes: ) and so going by your logic, for her this problem will never be resolved.

If your mother doesn't know how to use google yet, I'm assuming you've had to lock down her machine to avoid infection by spyware. I guess you also had to install anti-virus and anti-spyware software. If you're using XP, I guess you also enabled Windows firewall (or installed something better).

Oh wait, none of those come on that shiny Windows CD. I guess it's equally stupid that they require an "exercise in searching" to determine which ones are good (and not spyware). Huh.
Hmmm actually SHOW me a link, a video, an mp3 of ANYONE from MS saying that only their software should be used. They might "recommend" it, but which company wouldnt recommend their own product *sheesh*.

MS have made it easy for others to write software for their OS, dont impose royalties on these companies for (if you want to continue the MS = fascist) LETTING them run their software on MS's OS. Oh and whats with all the hardware you can run on Windows, without problems if you follow easy steps. Does LINUX let you use absolutely ANY hardware yet? (answer : NO, btw) Does LINUX let you use absolutely ANY software yet? (ooo same answer).

Yes Im well aware that its only a matter of time before LINUX answers YES to both the questions, which is a good thing (tm). For the time being though, ill stick with windows.

Oh you want fascism : Apple. Go count how many hardware makers products work in one of those machines :LOL:

Also, do you selectively read parts of posts : I use IE as a dev tool only for my company, my main browser is FF.
thegrommit said:
Oh wait, none of those come on that shiny Windows CD. I guess it's equally stupid that they require an "exercise in searching" to determine which ones are good (and not spyware). Huh.

Weeeee selective reading in progress ladies and gentlemen. I already said that they dont come with windows, that AV costs a MASSIVE £12 :rolleyes: and that all the other peices of software are FREEEEEE, and can easily be dl'd in a matter of minutes.

Oh and yes, I DO have a better solution. I gave my mum my old £20 (omg did he say TWENTY) router. Its not breaking the bank by any stretch of the imgination, hell I bet you could ask a suitably IT informed friend and he'd GIVE you a router for free. Hardware firewalls for everyone!

Once again, stop spreading FUD, and come to terms with the fact that it takes less time to secure a Windows box, than it does to even install LINUX in most cases.
PoGGeh said:
Hmmm actually SHOW me a link, a video, an mp3 of ANYONE from MS saying that only their software should be used. They might "recommend" it, but which company wouldnt recommend their own product *sheesh*.

No link necessary. Just take a look at their implementation of the DOM and CSS standards. Or take a look at his assertion that communists are everywhere. Once again, Firefox' existence is about trying ensure there's choice in the market. If you choose to stick your mum with IE, that's yours.

MS have made it easy for others to write software for their OS, dont impose royalties on these companies for (if you want to continue the MS = fascist) LETTING them run their software on MS's OS.

So, when was the last time a Linux developer had to pay royalties to Red Hat, SuSE or Debian?

Also, do you selectively read parts of posts : I use IE as a dev tool only for my company, my main browser is FF.

So, you would be the pot to my kettle? You were the one who tied Linux advocacy in response to my post about configuring Firefox. I guess zealotry isn't restricted to religion or video card choice.

Once again, stop spreading FUD, and come to terms with the fact that it takes less time to secure a Windows box, than it does to even install LINUX in most cases.

Eh? I used the securing Windows example to counter your assertion that searching on google to configure a browser was too hard. Or are you the kettle? :rolleyes:
My last post in this thread, cos you obviously have no idea how to counter actual positive posts.

IE has used the same CSS implementation for years now. Just because it still doesnt support "proper" CSS doesnt mean that MS are forcing it on you. Go have a look at IE7, which is pretty much the same rendering as FF. AFAIK this has been in development since before FF. Once again, why is it up to YOU, or anyone else, how MS play their OWN business. Gimme a break.

Talk about making your own points. Where did I say that LINUX devs paid royalties. FYI I was making more of a comparison TO LINUX instead of against it, but i suppose its however you want to read it eh ?

Zealtory is a fact of life, as you so succinctly prove. Its ok for YOU to go off topic, but not me?

Ill see you all in another thread!
PoGGeh said:
Zealtory is a fact of life, as you so succinctly prove. Its ok for YOU to go off topic, but not me?

You were the one who brought up MS bashing and Linux. I was just responding to your trolling and FUD spreading. The comment about royalties is a perfect example. You mentioned that MS does not charge royalties, and I demonstrated the irrelevancy of the comment.

However, I should've known better and not responded. My apologies to those who've had to read our little exchange.

Getting back on topic, mozilla.org has a constantly updated document on customizing mozilla that generally applies to firefox too.
Nick said:
Internet Explorer works, and it's free. :rolleyes:

It's always funny to hear the arguments to choose FireFox. All due respect for its developers, but it's not like they invented hot water. It might be evolutionary at several points, but not revolutionary. The best browser for Linux of course, but quite redundant for Windows.

Actually you can pretty much draw a direct line from Firefox to Mozilla to Netscape to Mosaic, so they were pretty much pioneering the concept of the browser, when for a long time Microsoft were saying the WWW was just a fad. It was only when Gates finally got a clue and focussed all the resources of Microsoft into building a browser into their OS and actively trying to kill Netscape though illegal and uncompetative practices (as per the big court case a few years back), that MS offered anything for the web surfer.

By leveraging their tight link between Windows and IE, along with their disembowling of Netscape, MS won and then dominated the browser wars, only to stagnate and offer no innovation for the last few years, poor standards compliance, and massive security loopholes. If it wasn't for Firefox/Mozilla, MS would have no reason to give even the slight functional upgrades they've offered recently, most of which were lifted directly from Mozilla anyhow.
PoGGeh said:
A completely new instance eg when you first boot your machine. Im not the only one with this problem, i know lots of people that dislike IE but still complain about how long FF takes to open. One of these people even does major work for LINUX platform OS's, and is writing his own, cos he dislikes windows so much.

Not one of my systems has less that 512MB of DDR RAM, and that is my 3.0GHz P4 laptop. All my desktop PCs have 1GB and over in them. Also, im fully aware of how to configure PC's. Please dont (yet again) fall into the catagory I have stated above.
Well, All i can say is that *UNLESS IT CRASHED OR WAS TERMINATED INCORRECTLY THE LAST TIME IT WAS USED* (in which case it must clear cache, check stuff, etc), even on a fresh boot, firefox takes no more than 2-4 seconds to load on any one of a dozen machines i have it on.

The minimize -->write to disk thing is annoying, agreed.

As for your memory usage comparisons - worthless.
You don't state what pages are open, if event he same ones are open, etc.

If i go to google in both browsers, Firefox takes up more memory. If I go to Hardocp, IE does.

If i have HardOCP, beyond3d, and google open in both browsers (new windows in IE, tabs in FF) then Firefox is taking up 10megs less ram.
The data from the Task Manager isn't necessarily very reliable, there are a couple different ways to measure memory use, and there are lots of other variables to consider... There's stuff like fragmentation, shared memory between processes etc etc.
Another thing to consider: If you have the memory, why don't let the programs use it? I have 1GB RAM, for all I care my browser can have 512MB of it for caching *as long as no other program needs it*. You can observe Mozilla using more memory on machines with lots of RAM than on ones with only little to spare.