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Seems like you're the only person with this problem in FF.

Guden Oden said:
T2k said:
I wonder how Firefox is slower than IE. Some web pages maybe but that's certainly depends.

I find FF is slower than IE when using the "skip to latest post of a theead" button on this messageboard (or other boards). It seems to wait to scroll down to the bottom of the page until it's made contact with the server for the bottom adbanner.

Also, flash animations draw around 50-100% more CPU in FF than IE, with the associated problems mentioned in another thread.
DaveBaumann said:
one said:
I've used the latest builds of Firefox for past 3 years (Phoenix -> Firebird -> Firefox) and so far it's progressing very fast compared to IE...

Progressing very fast, or catching up to?

Catching up, mainly in the usability aspect, is already over around the version 0.8, IIRC - and IE is far behind from the beginning when it comes to modern features. Tab browsing, ad block, DOM support, password management by a single master password, all in Firefox (popup block is now avaliable in XP SP2 though)

The only point IE may excel in is how it can render a broken HTML code as an acceptable page view :D

BTW, beyond3d.com just disappeared from the DNS - I'm now writing here at
What's up?
K.I.L.E.R said:
Seems like you're the only person with this problem in FF.

No, I'm not. At least if you're talking about the flash CPU useage, the other I wouldn't really call a problem. More like a quirk.
one said:
IE is far behind from the beginning when it comes to modern features. Tab browsing, ad block, DOM support, password management by a single master password, all in Firefox (popup block is now avaliable in XP SP2 though)

Not to mention you can get rid of the spyware loaded crappy download managers, since it has a rather good internal one.

I use FF now...very happy with it.
FF holds most page and image speed records on the test sites out there. It's much, much faster than IE. The only record it isn't first in is table rendering, which goes to Opera.
rashly said:
FF holds most page and image speed records on the test sites out there. It's much, much faster than IE. The only record it isn't first in is table rendering, which goes to Opera.

In pure rendering test maybe, but there's something rotten in the state of Denmark when it comes to actual everyday use. FF is a *lot* better than Mozilla ever was (or Nutscrape, etc.), but IE still feels quicker in use. I dunno why, but it's the case. FF is usable now, but for a long time it wasn't, and Mozilla never has been for me.
i cant comment on memory usage of my FF since i have 52 extensions installed (yes, i am extension junkie) and this slow thing some people mention....dunno, i played some online browser based games where load times mean life or death and FF was faster.....

also....i like to fact FF uses this weird thing called "standards", while IE is full of M$ crap. i hate stpuid ass lazy devs that make sites for IE only.....(owners of those sites usually get mail from me).

well.....if you look at my sig..... ;)
silence said:
also....i like to fact FF uses this weird thing called "standards", while IE is full of M$ crap. i hate stpuid ass lazy devs that make sites for IE only.....(owners of those sites usually get mail from me).

well.....if you look at my sig..... ;)

Oh aye, I agree 100%, I use FF all the time. Doesn't mean I think it's perfect though.
nutball said:
Oh aye, I agree 100%, I use FF all the time. Doesn't mean I think it's perfect though.

i never said its perfect. offcourse it has it own problems. but i simply hate when i go to some URL and get "This is for IE only"...... :devilish:

Diplo said:
silence said:
somehow i get a feeling that Diplo likes Opera...... ;)
Well, when the fat lady sings you have to listen, right? ;)

Nope, I just stick my fingers in my ears, pucker up my lips and blow... like this... PPPHHHLLLRRLLLBBBBSSGGGPPPSJJJ!!!
silence said:
got it...one of of those 52 extensions i have... but that doesnt mean i will go to those pages....i am not turning on IE causy some lazyass couldnt make web sites according to standards.... ;)
Ah. I see, and I agree completely. Didn't read the thread thoroughly enough and mistook you from one of those 'I won't use Firefox because it's too much of a hassle to start IE and go cutting and pasting when a page I need to see doesn't work-people'... Sorry about the confusion... ;)
Wow.. dave surprises me with his browse preferance.
Microsoft quick to fix holes?
Please don't insult my intellgence- look at the number of unpatched holes. and many of them you need to have SP2- how many computer illiterate peopple have sp2, letalone sp1?
The "problem" with those, is I never seem failed victiom to any security threats- does having a router help, or is it just not very likely?
One thing that was horrible, untill SP2, was spyware.
OMG.. horrible.. I even 100+ with Sp2 when I had to view some sites in IE(googled.. didn't know anything about em).
There is nothing anyone can say to me to make me switch back to that featureless browses- no good pluggins like adblock- nothing more annoying than ad ridden pages- but poof they're gone with that.
There's only a few sites I visit that choose to code for IE, rather than real standards, so I right click em, and open in IE.. simple.
There is no way firefox is "catching up to" IE, since IE doesn't support many firefox features, if catching up to means conforming to non standard code, then sure it is, but I'd rather it stay that way.
How many tech sites are IE only? If there are a few, they're be getting some emails from me, a tech site not using standard code tells me they aren't a very good tech site.
I tried opera, fast, but it liked less sites than even FF, and flash ads made the cpu usage spike to 100%, and it doesn't have a good adblocker like FF has via extentions.

Dave, have you validiated your code to make sure you are infact codeing like a proper monkey?
silence said:
i am not turning on IE causy some lazyass couldnt make web sites according to standards.... ;)

I don't see much of a point at NOT going to the site... I am pretty sure that in most cases, the owner of the site was not aware of the capabilities of coding within the standards of the programmer he/she hired so it's not his/her fault that you are unable to see the contents of the site... not to mention the fact that if you got there in the first place (and seeing you are a knowledgeable 'browser', you probably didn't just get there by mistake) is because you're actually interested to see what the site has to offer...

using IE once in a while will not kill your computer (don't mean to sound like I'm telling you what to do here, do whatever you feel comfortable with, I'm just making a point), you could however send an e-mail as you said to the web-designer advising him (not everyone is MEAN and codes bad on behalf of M$, the poor man could have just not know) to prepare it's website to render correctly for the, what was it, 22%?