

Gamers.com claims to have screenshots of AvP3, but they're not showing up on my computer? Anyone have links to screenshots that work?

edit: Okay, they work now... strange, they weren't working a few minutes ago.

Looks really ugly. An AvP strategy game... for Xbox!??!?! Wtf are they thinking. Worse yet, they seem to show a bunch of Predators (at least 3) fighting some Marines. Predators fighting in groups... wtf?
Man, this license property keeps popping up and then vaporizing. I've wanted to play it on the console I had at the time ever since it came out on the Atari Jaguar. Almost got it on the PS2, and then the project vaporized, no? For such a great franchise, they sure have perfected the way of sitting on it while it grows stale from old age before ever reaching a mainstream venue. Predators and Aliens are sooooo old by now. What's the point, I ask? (even though I would still like to see it come out, but not just for Xbox; I'm such a sucker for it) I vote the AvP project as "worst managed property that has/had so much potential".