Ati X1950 Pro Agp

My 6800GS simply would not work. It would beep like freaking crazy and not turn on. I did that once on accident and it scared the crap out of me.
So it's possible his card ran slower without a warning or prompt. Easy way to confirm is to pop the old PSU back in and check card clocks, but I'd just enjoy a working system.
Well, at least nVidia cards used to pop up a warning in the driver stating that the card had detected that it didn't have a sufficient power supply and had downclocked itself to prevent damage. Not sure how current A(TI/MD) cards (or post GF6800 cards with recent nVidia drivers for that matter) handles such issues as it's been a while since I had to troubleshoot these things.

The screen blinks red text demanding a power connector last time i checked. I dont think the computer even gets to the motherboard logo.
Some interesting news, i put the old supply back in because i, and i should imagine some of you are curious as to what caused my speed boost. And i can confirm that once i put the old PSU back in the performace dropped down again.

CS:Source @ 1440x900, HDR, 6XFSAA, and everything else maxed out :

250w PSU = 37.3fps

My new 570w PSU = 71.5fps

250w supply re-installed = 36.9fps

All result's were done quickly using CS:Source's built in benchmark test.

So it seem's that my 1950 PRO was being starved f the power it craved to run at it full potentioanl. My PC seem's to load slightly faster aswel, maybe when the 1950 PRO was installed on the 250w PSU it was draining the other components of there power aswel and thus slowing the whole system down?
The screen blinks red text demanding a power connector last time i checked. I dont think the computer even gets to the motherboard logo.

My X800 Does the same thing .. so can't see why the X1950XT Pro wouldn't do it either.

Also, it's been doing it alot lately, .. but opening my case and re-inserting the Power cable to the connecter does the trick.

I guess it could be enough to pass the test at boot-time, yet not enough power for stable operation. I've seen the 'oveclocked so much that it got slower' on nVidia cards at least (monitoring clocks with Rivatuner showed some apps causing the card to throttle back on the clocks if pushed too far initially). I'm sure there's layers of fault detection in these cards in which they can change behavior if some calculations doesn't match the expected result, the voltages are outside of set tolerances, or whatever. My point was just that it is not outside the realm of possibility - as backed by the evidence - that the card could speed up when given sufficient power if it wasn't getting it before.
Some interesting news, i put the old supply back in because i, and i should imagine some of you are curious as to what caused my speed boost. And i can confirm that once i put the old PSU back in the performace dropped down again.

CS:Source @ 1440x900, HDR, 6XFSAA, and everything else maxed out :

250w PSU = 37.3fps

My new 570w PSU = 71.5fps

250w supply re-installed = 36.9fps

All result's were done quickly using CS:Source's built in benchmark test.

So it seem's that my 1950 PRO was being starved f the power it craved to run at it full potentioanl. My PC seem's to load slightly faster aswel, maybe when the 1950 PRO was installed on the 250w PSU it was draining the other components of there power aswel and thus slowing the whole system down?

Thanx for doing that test almighty, but as a general rule a cheapo low quality PSU once removed is best thrown in the bin or installed in to a system one does not care whether the PSU could fry it or not, in that cheap low quality PSUs are a potential system killer.

Best and Warm Regards
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