ATI profits triple

Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
OEMs are on tight margins - every penny counts. Given the higher requirements of power and cooling for the Nvidia cards (especially with their extra PCIe bridge chip that also requires a heatsink), it's no surpise that ATI are killing Nvidia in the OEM space.

Which is doubly odd, I think, when you consider that it was the system OEM's and their reluctance to support the V5 5.5K, and their preference for nVidia's smaller, single-chip reference designs at the time, which helped write 3dfx's final chapters. Could it be that top nVidia management never actually understood that 3dfx hurt 3dfx far more than nVidia ever did?....;) Maybe so, as apparently such OEM lessons as you might have thought they learned through their competition with 3dfx they have apparently unlearned in the interim.

Nvidia are trying so hard to beat ATI with the "no holds barred" NV4x, they've ended up cutting off their noses to spite their faces.

But...isn't that what nVidia did with nV3x...?...;) Maybe JHH is afflicted with "Barnard's star syndrome" which is basically a specific type of short-term memory loss (mainly afflicting deep-space pilots, hence the name)--such that he doesn't remember that he doesn't remember. Maybe...he could only recall that the first nV40U prototypes spec'ed a single molex connector and he *forgot* that later designs spec'ed for two--yea, that really would explain a lot of his baffling commentary now that I think about it...

"Throttle back on the g's and fire the retros at maxx, JHH, and *watch* that nV3/4x-ice asteroid you're towing in your tractor dead astern! It's swinging wide and looping around to HIT YOU! Watch ou---!" SLAMMMmmm!

('Kay, I get the picture...:D)