Asura's Wrath !!!!

Sure, I just mean in terms of a QTE driven design. I thought all the actions you are prompted to do are well designed and make sense. Pushing up with both sticks to lift both arms, spinning the left stick to wind up a punch, and the back and forth battle to build up your overdrive meter by hammering on a button as fast as possible. It's sharply planned and really drew me in to the action. I think it's very comparable to Heavy Rain's thoughtful and deliberate use of QTEs.

Those QTE's seemed to match the action very well. But the lock-on shooting bits didn't. I'm not sure how a person is supposed to lock-on to something. And all those target icons clutter up the action.

One problem I had with Heavy Rain was because there were so many different QTE's for so many different actions, sometimes requiring you to hold down so many buttons, that I had to focus so much on the QTE's that it would distract me from the story. This demo seems to focus on far fewer buttons, and uses the same ones for similar actions. You can almost predict what button you need to press next, giving a nice flow the fighting, and letting you focus more on the story bits.

Of course Heavy Rain and this are still very different games, so I can't compare them too directly.

I am curious what the reviews will make of this. It's entertaining in it own way, but I'm not sure if I'll pay full price for this.
Yap, it's fun in its own way and I'm curious to find out what Fat Bast*rd(TM) has done to his daughter. I kept asking myself how much I would pay for this game while playing it. Probably not full price for me too. However, I think the controls would fit Vita better than a PS360. Pacing seems ok for a mobile game too.