Assassins Creed Unity [PS4, XO]

Why won't they make a title based of ninjas in Japan?!?!

EVERYONE wants that.

Want to make some story with templars? Easy, just use the Portuguese to bring the Templars during the early 16th century, while the assassins faction could come from China. The assassin's birth place is Mecca, so it makes more sense that they reach from mainland China/Korea, or through Marco Polo's incursions as shown in Revelations.

Besides, the Assassins depicted in the game have NOTHING to do with the original Hashashins and everything to do with Ninjas.
The syrian Hashashins were the perfect equivalent of today's terrorists and little more. They were just pawns who were drugged and made believe they would go to a harem with lots of virgins if they killed a certain person.
They would rarely flee the place of assassination. They would kill their target and stand there, waiting to be arrested and then executed.
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They finally did something good with the lighting for once in an AC game, the lighting just looked down right poor in all the previous titles.
Lighting in AC1 was very good, However it took a massive hit in AC2 and it's spin off .. moderately recovered in AC3 and became very good in AC4.

Exactly, I'm expecting 1080p/30 on PS4 or bust, maybe with some lower res shadows or slightly lower LOD at most.
Exactly my expectations, All PS4 and XO titles have low to medium shadow resolution (by today's standards) and LODs. I think that is an acceptable compromise.

BTW, pressure against Ubisoft PR is really incredible on GAF. I presume that Ubi's plans for promoting ACU, Division, Crew and FC4 are being changed right now. ACU has already received much different unveil than any other AC game.
if anything I think the Watch_Dogs fiasco is going to put a huge pressure on them not to even think about downgrading The Division.

However, last time I saw The Crew it was anything but next-gen!
The syrian Hashashins were the perfect equivalent of today's terrorists and little more. They were just pawns who were drugged and made believe they would go to a harem with lots of virgins if they killed a certain person.
They would rarely flee the place of assassination. They would kill their target and stand there, waiting to be arrested and then executed.

That's only a legend about them - which has actually been referenced in AC1 - but nothing can be confirmed. The only factual information is the murder of Conrad of Montferrat, where the two assassins were captured indeed, but nothing else is really known about them.
Lighting in AC1 was very good, However it took a massive hit in AC2 and it's spin off .. moderately recovered in AC3 and became very good in AC4.

I think AC1's lighting was actually quite simple, but the color grading helped it a lot.
It was completely static whereas AC2 introduced a fully dynamic time of day system.

Later games have pushed the system quite far, apparently it's not HDR based and thus the contrast wasn't realistic at all and the shading looked silly.

The new engine seems to have proper HDR / gamma correct math support.
And for the leak - I really hate it when a game can't have a proper announcement and introduction...
Anyone know if this is using the new Anvil engine? Was this new engine developed by the same team that developed the older engines? Or are they converging the engines and all teams are using Snowdrop now?
So... you hope they wont downgrade in the next ~45 days? :D

BTW, pressure against Ubisoft PR is really incredible on GAF. I presume that Ubi's plans for promoting ACU, Division, Crew and FC4 are being changed right now. ACU has already received much different unveil than any other AC game.

To justify my lack of reading skills, I'm going to declare here and now, this is going to be delayed to 2016.
I haven't looked at sales stats recently, but I think AC is their most important/profitable franchise nowadays...
And for those who still don't know yet, we just learned that the great AA used in the PS4/XB1 version of AC4 is in fact a (heavily) modified SMAA 2tx.

It means the image quality of AC Unity on next gen will be great too! Not only on PC!
On the assumption that its the same SMAA mode that's selectable in the PC version then despite offering good image quality with great performance it's still a significant way behind TXAA 2x in image quality (but a lot faster).
On the assumption that its the same SMAA mode that's selectable in the PC version then despite offering good image quality with great performance it's still a significant way behind TXAA 2x in image quality (but a lot faster).

Maybe but they never talk about the PC version in the recent article. Just the PS4XB1 version.

And what I like in AC4 AA on PS4 is the clarity, sharpness of the image. The textures and details are super sharp and in fact sharper than the PC version which have a combined hidden FXAA on almost all AA modes. Yes and it sucks.

And TXAA is a bit blurry, like the SMAA 1tx used in Ryse. It's not ideal (for me). I prefer the 2tx version.
Maybe but they never talk about the PC version in the recent article. Just the PS4XB1 version.

I assume that's simply because it was the custom solution designed specifically for the consoles while on the PC it's just one of several options. The fact that it's there though and listed as SMAA does suggest it's the same solution.

And what I like in AC4 AA on PS4 is the clarity, sharpness of the image. The textures and details are super sharp and in fact sharper than the PC version which have a combined hidden FXAA on almost all AA modes. Yes and it sucks.

All modes except SMAA which is precisely as sharp as no AA at all (and the PS4 version).

And TXAA is a bit blurry, like the SMAA 1tx used in Ryse. It's not ideal (for me). I prefer the 2tx version.

I can understand why you prefer the perfectly sharp image as offered by SMAA but I think you're exageratting the blur effect a bit. The blur that's introduced by FXAA in combination with TXAA in AC4 is extremely subtle and doesn't result in an appreciable loss of detail unless you're doing a static 4x zoom on a particular texture. In motion it basically has the effect of a very subtle softening of the image. However the improvements are far from subtle. Edge aliasing is significantly reduced over SMAA as I've shown in still screenshot comparisons but the main benefit IMO is the reduction in shimmering it delivers in a moving image. With SMAA I notice a lot of shimmering in areas with a lot of grass to give one example which is completely eliminated even with just 2x SMAA. Admittedly this is on a 27" monitor from 2-3 feet so the effect may be far less noticable on a TV from 10 feet away but the benefits definitely there.

That's not to say I don't like the SMAA implementation, for the small performance hit it brings it offers a huge image quality enhancement. Definately a great solution when you've got limited performance available.
What is more important than AA or lighting is the animation system. AC4 demonestrated how players have grown costumed to the system, and now have surpassed it, chaining complex, fast moves the system can not cope with anymore. The system is now glitchy, full of abrubt moves and incomplete animation sequnces, bugs and a deficiency of adequate smooth platforming capabilities. It needs upgrading badly.
What is more important than AA or lighting is the animation system. AC4 demonestrated how players have grown costumed to the system, and now have surpassed it, chaining complex, fast moves the system can not cope with anymore. The system is now glitchy, full of abrubt moves and incomplete animation sequnces, bugs and a deficiency of adequate smooth platforming capabilities. It needs upgrading badly.

Agreed, when it works it's pretty amazing, but when i fails it's like hitting a brick wall, or like you have superglue on every limb :)

The game needs to be seen before we can pass final judgement, but it seems that the consoles will finally be providing the much needed upgrade in graphics across all platforms.
Also needs better mission design badly. I wouldn't mind if Ubisoft took a couple of steps back and focused on a handful of things instead of throwing in everything and the kitchen sink. The majority of things to do in ACIV was just tedious filler. I really do not want any more eavesdropping missions.