Natoma said:How can I exaggerate what you wrote?
Easily, by assuming it was some accussation wrt to something you said. Later by calling me a liar...
I can understand the "Iraq is being supplied by western nations" bit, maybe. However, none of the quotes I provided two posts up have anything to do with chemical weapons being provided by western nations. They are about Iraq being able to produce its own chemical weapons, which you stated I said. Your quotes are right there, unfiltered and unchanged.
This hardly entails other statements you derived to be accussations against you which infact weren't.
I am more than willing wager the quoted statements were in reply to references to chemical weapons programs in Iraq.
Look, I'm tired and frankly I don't feel like going through this any further. But there are clear instances where you invoke my name directly, call me out, and say that I said things I did not say. I think I've made this point quite clear to anyone reading that nothing has been exaggerated.
Quite frankily Natoma i feel this is open for interpritation. There are times where you took things to be accussations against something you had which infact were not. You exaggerated the situation by accussing me of being a liar. Anyone can see that.
I will look forward to discussing these matters further in the future via instant messaging services. Perhaps then we can put much of this to rest.