Wrong. Mustard Gas and Tabun were known and verified, with suspected Tear Gas, Choking Gas, Arsenic based chemicals, Mycotoxins, and Germ warfare agents.
firstly Tear Gas is not a nerve gas. Stop trying to exaggerate its purpose by putting it in the same category with Mustard Gas and Tabun.
secondly Mycotoxins are produced by bio weapons last i checked.
my·co·tox·in ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mk-tksn)
A toxin produced by a fungus
Choking Gasses Natoma...:?
This is what you vision to be an "extensive array"? Again i have fallen victim to your ambiquity. I'd hate to think what you think of western nation's chemical storage...
Again my point rests. This was hardly common knowledge.
huh.... Did or did not UN inspections confirm Iraqi use of chemical weapons in 1984?? God....
Who cares what civilians know.
Oh sweet jesus. When you say common knowledge, who am i to assume you are refering to Natoma?
Not a reasonable assumption at all. I mentioned nothing regarding manufacturing. If I meant manufacturing I would have stated manufacturing.
Now i am just confused. You tell me you will directly refer to the subject but you left out exactly to whom your assertions wrt knowing very well. I feel safe in saying you were being deliberately vague.
This is about our governments and intelligence agencies and what they know. Keep assuming and making "believe" statements.
Ah, like area 51 and the alien autopsies...