Legion said:
5) Information regarding Iraq's WMD programs in the 60s, 70s, and early 80s, before 1984, was viable
You stated during 1984 at least some of Iraq's WMD programs were common knowledge. You didn't imply as to whom it was commonly known so i assumed you were stating it was so to everyone including the public. I disagreed with your belief it was common knowledge and presented a quote from the author of your link who felt most of the information circulating wrt to the Iraqi WMD or their programs were mostly self contradictory post 1960. With that said i found it hard to believe people could have had a real idea of what Iraq had or their intentions when surrounded by media misrepresentations let alone the real picture be common knowledge.
You stated:
Legion said:
here is the exact quote:
It hardly paints what was printed after '60 as viable information.
Jesus is right Natoma. Confirmation mustard gas was used in Iran by Saddam (a mustard gas of completely unkown origins mind you) is hardly evidence supporting the post 60s speculation mongering or for that matter Saddam's chem weapon manufacturing was common knowledge. It is clearly not the author's intention to try and support the rambelings either as he tries to seperate his work from that of previous authors.
After I had stated:
Natoma said:
Legion, it said evidence since the 1960s has been contradictory. They can't speak about the claims from the 1960s to the early 1980s. The whole point of this document was regarding claims from the
1984 Iraqi attack on Iran. Jesus.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Chemical Weapons I
May 1984
Authors: Julian Perry Robinson and Jozef Goldblat
Allegations of the use of chemical weapons have been frequent during the Iraq-Iran War. One of the instances reported by Iran has been conclusively verified by an international team dispatched to Iran by the UN Secretary-General.
One of the chemical-warfare instances reported by Iran, at Hoor-ul-Huzwaizeh on 13 March 1984, has since been conclusively verified by an international team of specialists dispatched to Iran by the United Nations Secretary General. The evidence adduced in the report by the UN team lends substantial credence to Iranian allegations of Iraqi chemical warfare on at least six other occasions during the period from 26 February to 17 March
Again, what more evidence do you need??? You sure know how to cherry pick out of context........ :?
I also responded:
Natoma said:
I'm now convinced you're arguing just to argue. What did I say? That the article said that the evidence since the 1960s has been contradictory. I agree with you.
However, the point of this article was to discuss the 1984 attack on Iran, which was confirmed by UN Inspectors. They found Mustard Gas and Tabun!
Why in the world are you discussing that with me? I'm not talking about evidence post 1960s, pre-1984. I'm talking about 1984. Let me bold it and super size the font.
Why did I do all that? Because I agreed that the document stated that evidence prior 1984 was shaky at best. But they came out stating
conclusively in 1984 that evidence had been found of Iraq's chemicals.
In all that, I agreed with you, yet you stated that I was trying to pass off pre-1984 information as viable, when I never made that claim. Again:
Legion said:
It hardly paints what was printed after '60 as viable information.
Next I stated:
Natoma said:
One quick note that I found that isn't true. Legion, in 1985-1989, it was well known that Iraq had an extensive array of chemical weapons and a very advanced weapons program.
When you asked for evidence I stated:
Natoma said:
One of the chemical-warfare instances reported by Iran, at Hoor-ul-Huzwaizeh on 13 March 1984, has since been conclusively verified by an international team of specialists dispatched to Iran by the United Nations Secretary General. The evidence adduced in the report by the UN team lends substantial credence to Iranian allegations of Iraqi chemical warfare on at least six other occasions during the period from 26 February to 17 March.
For starters. This was quite a simple google. "Iraq Iran War Chemical Weapon"
Tons of links. This was just the one at the top of the list. Have fun. Frankly I thought this was a well known fact. Guess not.
I then followed that statement regarding the UN with:
Natoma said:
Allegations of the use of chemical weapons have been frequent during the Iraq-Iran War. One of the instances reported by Iran has been conclusively verified by an international team dispatched to Iran by the UN Secretary-General.
Natoma said:
Mustard gas
From an unexploded bomb found at an Iraqi-attack site, the UN team drew a sample which its analysts in Sweden and Switzerland later found to be high-quality mustard gas.
The second poison gas identified by the UN team was the nerve-gas tabun. This was found in a sample which the team was assured by Iranian authorities had been drawn by an Iranian soldier from a dud bomb. The bomb was said to have had the same appearance as the one from which the UN team had drawn mustard gas.
Iranian authorities told the UN team that about 400 people had been affected by chemical weapons during the attack from which the tabun sample was said to have originated. The attack purportedly happened on 17 March, while the UN team was in Tehran, and was said to have been delivered by four Iraqi aircraft. Forty of the casualties were in a field hospital which the UN team was taken to visit the following day. The signs and symptoms in the six cases which the UN team had time to examine were quite different from those associated with the mustard-gas sample. The UN team concluded from them that the patients had been exposed to an anticholinesterase agent.
Natoma said:
However, the point of this article was to discuss the 1984 attack on Iran, which was confirmed by UN Inspectors.
Natoma said:
The UN verified the use of chemical weapons mortars in Iran during the Iran/Iraq war.
Natoma said:
The other 10% was with regard to knowledge of Iraq's program and chemical weapons in the 1985-1989 period. That was already established by UN inspections in 1984. You don't think UN members wouldn't know about that information?
In every single case, I made it very clear that I was referring to the UN. Yet you still parroted the notion that I was obviously referring to civilians.
Legion said:
All and all that is very interesting Natoma. Unfortunately it doesn't support your position that Iraq's chem weapons manufacturing was common knowledge.
Legion said:
Was it common knowledge to civilians in the west? More than likely not.
Legion said:
Oh sweet jesus. When you say common knowledge, who am i to assume you are refering to Natoma?
I responded to your "civilians" comment with the following:
Natoma said:
Who cares what civilians know. This is about our governments and intelligence agencies and what they know.
After I had made all those prior statements regarding the UN countries knowing about Iraq. As I said earlier in this thread, I didn't expect to have to hold your hand and feed you mashed 'nannas too.
Legion said:
Your link also provided at least one quote from a US governmental source stating the US gov was sure Iraq didn't have anything beyond tear gas IIRC. You replied wrt the quote the US gov could have been lying. Lying? Why would they have been lying if not to provide some general misinformation to provide for a cover up? Many others in this thread alone have accussed the US gov and many other western agencies of being involved in some form of chem weapons traficing, why should i have assumed anything but you suggesting the same? Again, why accuse them of lying if you believe they had no involvment?
The quote was from when? 1982. The document was writing about conclusively verified chemical weapons from Iraq when? 1984.
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in May 1984 said:
Tear gas: In August 1982, US officials were quoted in the press as being "confident" that the Iraqis did not possess any "deadly chemical weapons", only tear gas.
Allegations of the use of chemical weapons have been frequent during the Iraq-Iran War. One of the instances reported by Iran has been conclusively verified by an international team dispatched to Iran by the UN Secretary-General.
What does a nominal reading level tell us? People in 1982 thought that Iraq did not possess anything worse than tear gas. In 1984, the UN inspectors conclusively verified the presence of Tabun and Mustard Gas.
I have not found anywhere in this thread where I tried to pass off information pre-1984 as viable, or made any comments that the context of the "common knowledge" comment should have been taken to mean the general public instead of the UN.
If you can find it, go right ahead. Please do. I'm waiting. On to the next one.