From what I can see, the content offered would suggest the exact opposite.
My wife was much more interested in the Sony exclusives on ps3 than xb360 this gen and that will likely continue for ps4.
Being able to change the channel with voice is a cool feature, but hardly a reason to drop $500. The interactive content of the platform will be what moves consoles, and in that experience, xbone will be coming up short in head to head comps.
For exclusives, that is a matter of personal opinion. For my wife, it would be ps4. For me, it would be a toss up. Bungie isn't Exclusive anymore, and Cliffy B. @ Epic isn't either. Neither is a Mass Effect type trilogy nor a promising TooHuman type title. Or a Bioshock.
Those exclusive titles/developers circa 2005 were compelling enough reasons to hitch up with the xbox camp. These days, it seems they are all multiplat and what's left of exclusive talented devs are mostly in Sony's camp.
Which just so happen to have a more powerful platform to code to, better DRM practices, and best of all, a $100 lower price point.
But getting back to your point, I'd say Sony has fostered many more titles which appeal to female audiences over the years than MS. I fully expect that trend to continue. The only basis for which I'd see females en mass to lean xbox would be the tv interaction, but for ease of tv interaction, I'd say a much more reasonable option would just be a harmony remote.