I thought you once said your sister is posting and modding the console forum using your account while you have no time. I think there has been occasions where the writing style has been very different in jvd's posts (I think your sister is better at spelling )
I might remember wrong though, or understood wrong.
Edit: heh, your passwords are so easy to guess (know? ) for family members at least
na my sister doesn't mod . They sometimes read under my name . Like 10 mins ago my sister was reading the handheld forum with my pc as well i have the nice pc and the nice set up .
I dont know why i just thought of that... reason i asked is because i just met a fine fine woman and she was a computer engineer... so I know they are out there....
*Sigh* brings back painful memories.
First "Console Talk" went away now this. Yeah I know they are out there. I used to date one who:
* is a sister of Miss Vietnamnese in some US state. Yes she's eye-popping gorgeous and has a more than fine body.
* is a gymnast and swimmer (She swims once a week)
* performs guitar and some horizonatal vietnamnese string instrument on stage
* contribute articles to Vietnamnese newspaper and newsletters
* studied Medicine in France for 2 years, moved to US to reunite with her families lost during the Vietnam war
* Switched to Electrical Engineering in UIUC. Topped quite a few EE classes. She's one of the sharpest and quickest person I know.
* And here's the killer... irresistable smile.