ARC Raiders (Embark Studios)

I was just about to post that, looks really good. For those that don't know, these are the ex-DICE developers. So, I'm pretty hopeful for this. Looks quite good.

Also, there's actual gameplay in the reveal, according to Geoff Keighley

Yeah, but aren't you supposed to be playing together? Not dancing on your own?

It's about the poor sad space robota that crash land and just want to dance. Those bloody humans then keep blowing the shit out of them. Tragic. :(
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How come i just watched this trailer now ? Looks amazing, and promising gameplay wise, reminded me of lost planet 2 which i loved in coop.
Is this game like destiny where it’s pretty much a co-op only multiplayer game?

Also, at one point I thought they were working on F2P games, is that the case here as well?