AppLabs Crowns ATI Drivers Most Stable


Mostly Harmless
Based on the results of these software stress tests, the stability of the ATI Catalyst software exceeded that of their NVIDIA counterpart

Obviously ATI paid for this testing. This is not necessarily disqualifying, however. There is integrity in the world, I just don't know if these guys are an example or not. :LOL:

One result could have been the opposite result, in which case ATI could have used it internally to goad the driver team.

So, anyone heard of these guys Should we take this seriously?
Maintank said:
Ill remember that the next time the WDM driver fails to load and renders my 9600 Pro AIW useless.

I was about to say this... AppLabs obviously hasn't thoroughly tested any ATI AIW cards.. and on recent generations of drivers.. LOL.