Anyone knows when the 1066MHz P4 bus is intro'd?

They're already out, and expensive. Actually, it would be better to wait and get the 3.73 GHz version that has 2 MB L2 cache and EM64T.
DaveBaumann said:
Errr, 31-October-2004?
Perhaps I should have specified "in a chip mortal beings can afford to buy". ;)

Seriously though, I'd forgotten all about that silly extreme edition thing.
With the Extreme Edition and the new 6xx P4's unsing the same core, one of the primary differentiation features is the 1066 FSB, so I'm not convinced we'll see it soon on the standard P4's. You could certainly see dual cores wanting as much FSB performance as possible though.
DaveBaumann said:
With the Extreme Edition and the new 6xx P4's unsing the same core, one of the primary differentiation features is the 1066 FSB, so I'm not convinced we'll see it soon on the standard P4's. You could certainly see dual cores wanting as much FSB performance as possible though.
Additionally, the prescott core seems to be stuck with a lowest multiplier of 14 (which is supposedly the reason the P4EE 3.73Ghz supports no EIST/TM2/C1E halt), so the slowest possible version would be 3.73Ghz...
So you certainly won't see FSB1066 before the dual-core cpus. (That said, I'm also wondering if we'll finally see that magical 4Ghz prescott chip, since intel will release a regular 3.8Ghz part, and this will overally pretty much tie the P4EE 3.73Ghz for performance, faster FSB or not).
Guden Oden said:
DaveBaumann said:
Errr, 31-October-2004?
Perhaps I should have specified "in a chip mortal beings can afford to buy". ;)

The higher fsb makes little difference. Don't fret over it.

That said, I'm also wondering if we'll finally see that magical 4Ghz prescott chip, since intel will release a regular 3.8Ghz part, and this will overally pretty much tie the P4EE 3.73Ghz for performance, faster FSB or not.

Nope, there will be no 4.0 GHz chip. Intel specifically stated so. In fact the P4 is going to be discontinued in 2006 and replaced with an updated chip based on the Pentium M architecture in 2007.
ANova said:
Nope, there will be no 4.0 GHz chip. Intel specifically stated so. In fact the P4 is going to be discontinued in 2006 and replaced with an updated chip based on the Pentium M architecture in 2007.
Sure they have said that. But it seems to be a pretty bold move for intel to launch a P4 670 3.8Ghz for 600USD or so while at the same time the P4EE 3.73Ghz which has exactly the same performance (depending on the benchmark, ranging from -2 to +2 percent maybe, save synthetic memory benchmarks) sells for 999USD. It's not like these boutique parts ever had a reasonable price/performance ratio, but this would be extraordinarly bad.
mustrum said:
They're out, expensive and slower for gaming than a AMD 64 for much less money.

You're right about slower in gaming, but wrong about the Athlon 64 being cheaper. Have you looked at prices lately? Hell the FX-55 is going for $1200 over at newegg while the 3.46 GHz EE is going for $1045.

mczak said:
Sure they have said that. But it seems to be a pretty bold move for intel to launch a P4 670 3.8Ghz for 600USD or so while at the same time the P4EE 3.73Ghz which has exactly the same performance (depending on the benchmark, ranging from -2 to +2 percent maybe, save synthetic memory benchmarks) sells for 999USD. It's not like these boutique parts ever had a reasonable price/performance ratio, but this would be extraordinarly bad.

People buy hype and marketting, and as long as there is someone willing to pay Intel will continue to hype it and sell it. BTW, the Extreme Editions are still faster then the 670 in gaming, if that makes any difference.
You're getting seriously ripped off if you're paying 1200 bucks for an FX-55.

$850-900 seems more (un)reasonable.
ANova said:
mustrum said:
They're out, expensive and slower for gaming than a AMD 64 for much less money.

You're right about slower in gaming, but wrong about the Athlon 64 being cheaper. Have you looked at prices lately? Hell the FX-55 is going for $1200 over at newegg while the 3.46 GHz EE is going for $1045.
um, where does mustrum say "the most expensive A64 is cheaper than the most expensive P4"? Try reading what he wrote a few times until you see that what he said. An Athlon64 3500+ is both faster than any P4 for gaming, and just a fraction of the price of the P4 that comes closest in game performance.
Thowllly said:
ANova said:
mustrum said:
They're out, expensive and slower for gaming than a AMD 64 for much less money.

You're right about slower in gaming, but wrong about the Athlon 64 being cheaper. Have you looked at prices lately? Hell the FX-55 is going for $1200 over at newegg while the 3.46 GHz EE is going for $1045.
um, where does mustrum say "the most expensive A64 is cheaper than the most expensive P4"? Try reading what he wrote a few times until you see that what he said. An Athlon64 3500+ is both faster than any P4 for gaming, and just a fraction of the price of the P4 that comes closest in game performance.

I don't consider 10 fps a huge difference.

As for price, the A64 3500+ typically goes for around $276 while the P4 550 3.4 GHz goes for around $279; that's a $3 difference. Yup, those A64s sure are cheaper. :rolleyes:
ANova said:
In fact the P4 is going to be discontinued in 2006 and replaced with an updated chip based on the Pentium M architecture in 2007.

Um, is this official? I thought the Pentium M, while neat, was a P3 derivative.
horvendile said:
I thought the Pentium M, while neat, was a P3 derivative.
Yes, that is true. You could say it's a PPro derivative too by the way as the difference isn't very big between that chip and the P3.
Guden Oden said:
Yes, that is true.

What is true? That it's a P3 derivative (well, you said as much) or that it will replace the P4?

Edit: Removed starting "Um", which looked kinda stupid, regarding my former post...
The PM is like a hybrid in that it is a P3 derivative but it also uses some P4 technology. The reason why they will be going in that direction is because it's very efficient and capable of more then two times the instructions per clock as a P4. It's faster then an Athlon 64 in raw computation at an ~400 MHz slower clock speed while drawing less power.