Anyone know what SEGA is working on for next gen?

Basically you are pissed at Sony for Sega's death. Sega was making very bad decisions in general. They were stuck with the Japanese mindset and did not listen to either SEGA of America or SEGA of Europe. What Kutaragi was with the PS3, Sega's president was with the Saturn back then. Sega died because of him. Because of Saturns legacy and piracy the DC died. Sony did all the right decisions with the PS1. Under your logic MS should also be a no no as they are a multibillion company and the XBOne exist only because they could absorb billion of losses with the original XBox. Losses that Sega could never take

Thats the only thing you are wrong about. I am not pissed at Sony. I just prefer certain catalogues of games. I really enjoyed the Genesis era. So i looked forward to the Saturn. I had both the PS1 and Saturn. I was day one DC. Still my favorite console. Sega didnt just die because of "Sega's bad decisions"... Theres a lot of addiional mythology in that statement. Sega couldnt get the third party support they needed to move boxes- particular in the era where Konami and Square still dominated gaming. No FF the players go where FF was. No MGS? Players went where MGS was. Where were they? On Sony.

Segas only substantial Major 3rd party dev was Capcom.

I just skipped the PS2. Went Xbox. Then PS3 and Xbox360 with mostly being PS3. Like 95% PS3.
Isn't that what I just stated?...
No, because then I wouldn't have to answer you :)

I would love to see the evidence to this, if he really "wrote the shaders single handed" like you say then he must be a super saiyan-jin.

Writing a couple of post-process shaders is not that difficult, and probably a piece of cake compared to programming Outrun, Afterburner, Power Drift etc.

Most games even that VF3TB "port" and Fighting Vipers 2 "port" were "supervised", does not equal SEGA-AM2 did all the work like they did in the Saturn days.
Did I ever make the claim that AM2 did "all the work"? Sega obviously developed a porting/emulation frame work for Model2 -> PS2 conversions and AM2 might or might not have been involved in that work.

Ryu Go Gotoku Kenzan! the first PS3 one...

Ryu Go Gotoku 3

Ryu Go Gotoku 4

Ryu Go Gotoku the living dead zombie I counting wrong?

Then that other one that eventually became a PS4 release, note I am not opening windows to look up information so I am working from flawed human memory here ;)

You are missing 5 (and 1+2 HD if you want to count that). Also, if you want to argue history it would be better if you have some sources to back you up.
Anyone know what SEGA is working on for next gen?

Thats the only thing you are wrong about. I am not pissed at Sony. I just prefer certain catalogues of games. I really enjoyed the Genesis era. So i looked forward to the Saturn. I had both the PS1 and Saturn. I was day one DC. Still my favorite console. Sega didnt just die because of "Sega's bad decisions"... Theres a lot of addiional mythology in that statement. Sega couldnt get the third party support they needed to move boxes- particular in the era where Konami and Square still dominated gaming. No FF the players go where FF was. No MGS? Players went where MGS was. Where were they? On Sony.

Segas only substantial Major 3rd party dev was Capcom.

I just skipped the PS2. Went Xbox. Then PS3 and Xbox360 with mostly being PS3. Like 95% PS3.

So? Have you ever wondered why they went to Sony and skipped the Saturn?
So? Have you ever wondered why they went to Sony? And so what if they went to Sony? And what does this have to do with Sega games on a Sony platform?

At the time I did not want to play Sega's games on SOny's platforms because Sony was a lot of the reason i couldnt play Sega's games on Sega's on platforms anymore.

I didnt mention owning Nintendo's systems which I did (SuperNES, Gamecube and Wii) but i wouldnt have wanted to play Segas games on Nintendos platforms either. SO Xbox became the way to go.
At the time I did not want to play Sega's games on SOny's platforms because Sony was a lot of the reason i couldnt play Sega's games on Sega's on platforms anymore.

I didnt mention owning Nintendo's systems which I did (SuperNES, Gamecube and Wii) but i wouldnt have wanted to play Segas games on Nintendos platforms either. SO Xbox became the way to go.

Yeah but have you wondered why Saturn was losing support completely and not just exclusivity? Also Sony won brcause they did things right. Sega was doing things wrong.
Yeah but have you wondered why Saturn was losing support completely and not just exclusivity? Also Sony won brcause they did things right. Sega was doing things wrong.

Check out the article I linked a few posts up.

Im not saying Sega didnt do things wrong.. but that doesnt make me loyal to another company or unloyal to them. They still had the catalogue I preferred.
That article seems to really paint Nakayama in a bad light. Tis a shame. The article does hit a few things spot on such as SoA and SoJ fighting for power.

But let's not kid ourselves. SEGA cause its own demise from a once great gaming company to a so-so 3rd party with a bit of help from Sammy, though that was after DC. Being arrogant and not taking competition seriously is perhaps the most arrogant thing a company can do, and it is especially true in the console industry. The Saturn was one beast of a machine with all those processors, but programming for it was an outright nightmare and Sony provided much better SDK's earlier on. Even considering from a software side SEGA failed early on by not having a new Sonic game ready to go at or near the system's launch. Instead we ended up releasing Bug! which while mildly entertaining for 5 minutes got old quick.

SEGA made all the wrong decisions and Sony made all the right decisions. Sony had better marketing throughout the span of both machines and its U R not Red E was highly effective. PS1 was much simpler hardware design and more capable in the majority of things 3D no matter how much I argued otherwise on forums back then. And it was getting more games and a lot of them a whole lot of fun. SEGA's 1st parties largely carried the library on Saturn, along with help from various 3rd parties, and those games were great. Saturn definitely ended up getting quality over quantity, but the vast number of games getting released on PS1 meant the quality titles were also there. Then comes the N64 with the masterpiece that is Mario 64 and thus Ninty enters the console war. There's now 3 companies fighting for a piece of the pie. Square announcing exclusivity of FF VII early on in January of 96 was covered en masse by gaming publications at the time. The coverage that game got in magazines was incredible and when it finally did get released it was game over for the Saturn. The stage was then set for PS1 to gain majority share and leave the rest for Nintendo. SEGA ended up getting crumbs, but that's through their own doing.

The development of Dreamcast was underway with two concepts vying for the final spot and I believe the better option winning out. SEGA was extremely humbled by this point and its reputation in the gutter. They made better decisions. Sonic Adventure was a great game to launch with. Give your fans a game with their favorite mascot in full 3D glory. The marketing was better. There was an honest effort on SEGA's part and it could be seen in the great Dreamcast games there were and the execution early on. However, there was a big shadow looming overhead that was the PS2. EA stated early on it wouldn't support the Dreamcast until it reached a userbase of 5 million. The industry and market as a whole largely took a wait and see approach towards Dreamcast and PS2. PS2 comes to market and is pretty much insta-domination. SEGA hangs on for a bit competing and then comes the signs of two more stormy clouds on the horizon. SEGA, IMO, could have held on for a bit longer. There was much anxiety involved for a lot when the decision to abandon ship came down. The crew split up and decided to go to the three ships with which it would have been doing battle with.

I'm super sad now.
Sad to see Sega like this but under this climate, at least they're doing best to survive. There are many more Japanese game companies suffering even more than Sega. I hope the industry picks up as soon as possible. I would cry a river if something bad happens to GameArts and Treasure.

Oh and Sega, please make your next Sonic game 60 fps on consoles. Sonic is one game framerates and display motion performance are greatly important. Sonic is the reason I only purchase plasma TVs. Sonic Generations at 30 fps? What were they thinking? Please re-release it on the PS4/XB1 at 60 fps. The previous gen versions are ruined with 30 fps and PC version is ruined with inexcusable amount of input lag. (Ironic Sonic Generations actually feels more responsive even with added scaling latency on my Panasonic plasma than the PC version running at 1080p (native to my TV to minimize input lag) with v-sync off)