Anyone heard of a mem. brand called GeIL?


I’m building a new system, most likely going with the new Intel canterwood. I was looking for some ram, and a stumbled on to this 512 meg dimm of ddr3200 ram for 67 bucks! for while i thought it was a miss marked price or something but its actual price. That’s hella cheap! However, its made from a company I’ve never head of, GeIL. Anyone know anything about this company, good and bad?

Here's the link
i heard a lot of good things about geil so i two sticks of their 512mb ddr3200 ultra when i wound up needing more memory and figured i would go with faster stuff as well. sense then i have seen some people badmouthing them but the stuff i have has been great to me.
I've two sticks of GeIL PC3500 Ultra used as PC2100 in my second server box.

My main box is a nforce 2 chipset box, and GeIL rams i have (the first revision unfortunately) dont work at all (even when used as PC2100), they are supposed to work on Intel chipsets and VIA ones (still talking about first revision).

I'd try them first if you can, because ram chips nowdays are quite a bitch.
I've seen a few reviews of GeIL and it looks to be some DAMN nice stuff. Beats out Corsair even.