Anyone found a reputable site selling component VGA boxes?

yes I can understand that for generic video equipment but all consoles support RGB out, so why so all in one console VGA box with RGB?
notAFanB said:
VGA boxes need component inputs in order to output a pro-scan signal...
the Blaze VGA adapter is different, but we all know it's not a "normal" VGA box... it's merely a modified VGA cable (the same included in the Linux Kit). the big part is played by the software really...

well yes but what is the technical reason for this???

THIS= the need of component


THIS=the big part is played by the software..


first THIS: because i think that progressive scan signal can only be displayed with component cables (NOT s-videoor others)

second THIS: because the software basically forces the output of PS2 to 60Hz Pro-scan. which means that for those games that are rendered at full-frame 640x480, u'll get TRUE pro-scan, while those games that are field rendered will show a 640x240 (240p) picture, in which case u might want to keep the interlaced picture which looks better.
the first THIS.

first THIS: because i think that progressive scan signal can only be displayed with component cables (NOT s-videoor others)

alright is this a protocol/standards issue? if so then I guess RGB is left in the lurch (well maybe not is Europe, but it's not like they give a rats posterior).
notAFanB said:
the first THIS.

first THIS: because i think that progressive scan signal can only be displayed with component cables (NOT s-videoor others)

alright is this a protocol/standards issue? if so then I guess RGB is left in the lurch (well maybe not is Europe, but it's not like they give a rats posterior).

hehehe... YES.... r u surprised AT ALL??? :LOL: :rolleyes:
notAFanB said:
yes I can understand that for generic video equipment but all consoles support RGB out, so why so all in one console VGA box with RGB?

well, maybe so you could use the box with your home dvd player too. i.e. component gives the device higher versatility hence wider market audience vs. providing RGB input just for console owners.